
阿卡英語 / 查找:permeates” [共找到4條結果]
  • permeates造句

    Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.各級司法機構普遍存在對女性的偏見。Taking various forms , it permeates and surrounds practically all the tissues of the body.它呈多種形式貫穿并包圍肌體的一切組織.Bias against women permeates e...
  • permeates怎么讀

  • permeates例句

    Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.各級司法機構普遍存在對女性的偏見。When a drug permeates a cell, it must obviously traverse the cellular plasma membrane.當藥物透過細胞時, 它顯然必定要穿過胞漿膜.Taking various forms , it perme...
  • permeates是什么意思?

    v.彌漫( permeate的第三人稱單數 ),遍布,滲入,滲透...