You'll need to get on the right side of Carmela.你得討卡梅拉的歡心。I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of him.我不想激怒他。I'lltry to get on the flight down to Karachi tonight.我盡量趕上今晚去卡拉奇的航班。...
immortal的近義詞/同義詞有:eternal, everlasting, unfading, deathless, undying, heroine, well-known, eternal, noted, undying, changeless, unending, classic, hero, celebrated, everlasting, abiding。adj.immortal的近義詞(永世的;不朽的):eternal,...
complete的近義詞/同義詞有:end, wind, up, close, clean, terminate, finish, conclude, entire, whole, exhaustive, thorough, encyclopedic, achieve, fulfill, execute, absolute, close, utter, stark, whole, global, effect, strict, clea...
a reel on a fishing rod釣魚竿上的繞線輪The weight of fish snapped the fishing rod in two.魚的重量很大,把魚竿啪的一聲壓成兩截了.'Your fishing rod gets rather rusty ; don't it, father?'“ 你的魚竿不是已銹得很厲害了么, 爸爸? ”...
no的反義詞有:yes, yes。adj.no的反義詞(沒有;不許;不要):yes。no的反義詞(其他釋義):yes。...
mope的近義詞/同義詞有:sorrow, over, sulk, brood, grieve, fret, gloom, fret, grouch, grieve, sulk, sorrow, languish。vt.mope的近義詞(憂郁;悲傷):sorrow, over, sulk, brood, grieve, fret。mope的近義詞(其他釋義):gloom, fret, grouch, grieve, sulk, sorr...
horse的反義詞有:mare, foot, foot, mare。n.horse的反義詞(雄馬;騎兵):mare, foot。horse的反義詞(其他釋義):foot, mare。...
v.計算,估算( compute的第三人稱單數(shù) )...
cautious的近義詞/同義詞有:wary, discreet, scrupulous, circumspect, guard, headful, careful, on, sleepless, wakeful, guarded, watchful, precautionary, vigilant, chary, ware, alert, prudent, canny, conservative, advised, fussy, ca...
allowable的近義詞/同義詞有:right, proper, lawful, legal, legitimate, apt, suitable, appropriate, vindicable, pardonable, excusable, justifiable, concessible, grantable, admissible, sanctionable, permissible, accepted, tolerable。...
Mathematics is not a single monolithic structure of absolute truth!數(shù)學(xué)并不是絕對真理的單一整體結(jié)構(gòu)。Any two or more walls which are monolithic will be referred to as wall assembly.任何兩個或多個成整塊式的墻稱為墻的部件.This paper introduces an auto - alar...
spoil的近義詞/同義詞有:damage, botch, impair, destroy, injure, decay, upset, mar, rot, ruin, rot, damage, smear, botch, butcher, upset, murder, decay, destroy, deform, pamper, addle, hurt, injure, impair, cater, mar, thwart, cod...
She laughed her satisfaction.她以笑表示滿意。Job involvement has mediator effect between expatriate adjustment and job satisfaction.工作投入在海外適應(yīng)性與工作滿意度之間有中介效果.She felt a small glow of satisfaction...她有了一絲滿足感。She extracted satisfact...
bold的反義詞有:diffident, cowardly, timid, faint-hearted, shy, faint-hearted, shy, afraid, cowardly, diffident, fearful, timid。adj.bold的反義詞(英勇的;活躍的):diffident, cowardly, timid, faint-hearted, shy。bold的反義詞(其他釋義):faint-hearted,...
We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.我們是在餐廳吃的飯,而不是在小飯館。This is a heated debate which involves materialist as opposed to idealist views.這是一場唯物主義與唯心主義的大論戰(zhàn).How does a poem change when you read it out loud as o...
abroad的反義詞有:home, narrowly, home。adv.abroad的反義詞(在國外;在外面):home。abroad的反義詞(其他釋義):narrowly, home。...
borrow的反義詞有:lend, loan, lend。vt.borrow的反義詞(借;借入;采用):lend, loan。borrow的反義詞(其他釋義):lend。...
imposing的近義詞/同義詞有:splendid, proud, grand, glorious, impressive, dramatic, stately, spectacular, elegant, majestic, magnificent, noble, regal, magnificent, dramatic, splendid, impressive, proud, spectacular, grand, statel...