“胭脂紅”的拼音為:yān zhi hóng...
“紅糊精”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] erythrodextrin ...
“面紅”的英語可以翻譯為:[生] flushing,flame ...
她的根扎在這血紅的土壤里吸取生機(jī), 就像棉花一樣.Her roots went deep into the blood - colored soil and sucked up life, as did the cotton.夜已深,血紅的玻璃窗上映照出更為殷紅的光芒.For the night is waning away ; and there flows a ruddier light throught the blood - c...
“紅豆堿”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] abrine ...
古紅木辦公桌an antique mahogany desk這些門真是極品,全部由紅木一類的優(yōu)質(zhì)木材加工而成。The doors here are really something, all made of good wood like mahogany.凳子有幾種尺寸,材質(zhì)分胡桃木和紅木兩種。The stool comes in several sizes in walnut or mahogany....
最近的研究提示,紅霉素對(duì)暴露于百日咳的易感者,在預(yù)防上有效.Recent studies suggested that erythromycin may be effective in prophylaxis against pertussis in exposed, susceptible persons.各抗生素平均耐藥率由高向低依次為:氧氟沙星 ( Ofl)87.4%,紅霉素 ( Ery ) 59.2%, 環(huán)丙沙星 ( Cip )...
“發(fā)紅”的拼音為:fā hóng...
“紅霉素”的英語可以翻譯為:[微]erythromycin ...
“火紅”的英語可以翻譯為:ed as fire,fiery,flaming ...
“紅視”的英語可以翻譯為:ed-out,red out,redout ...
“紅牙”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] erythrodontia ...
“血紅色”的英語可以翻譯為:lood red,sanguine ...
“臉紅的”的英語可以翻譯為:ablush ...
“紅銻礦”的英語可以翻譯為:antimony blende,kermesite,purple blende,pyrostibite ...
他發(fā)紅的頭皮在稀疏的頭發(fā)下泛微光.His pink scalp gleamed through his sparse hair.只有從他發(fā)紅的眼圈上偶爾能看出他非常疲憊。Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betray the fatigue he was suffering.油漆干了后,涂一層發(fā)紅的土黃色乳膠漆。Once the paint is dry...
她洋紅色的頭發(fā)使她比別人更顯眼.Her bright red hair made her stand out from the others.要事先準(zhǔn)備好紫色沉淀,比如在洋紅色沉淀中多加一些石灰.Purple lake is prepared like carmine lake with the addition of lime.半重瓣大朵折邊洋紅色星形花.Semidouble magenta red large frilled sta...
“紅潤的”的英語可以翻譯為:florid,rubicund,ruddy,roseate ...
“紅豆”的拼音為:hóng dòu ...
寒風(fēng)穿過枯枝, 有時(shí)把發(fā)臟的藏紅花吹刮跑了.The wind whistled through the twigs and fretted the occasional, dirty - looking crocuses.因?yàn)樘鞖夂?今年藏紅花開得晚.The crocuses came out late this year because of the cold weather.伯莎注意到那逐漸變長的白天, 注意到那些從地面冒出的五彩...
“洋紅色”的英語可以翻譯為:carmine ...
王冠上鑲嵌著稀世珍寶—有鉆石、紅寶石、綠寶石。The crown was set with precious jewels—diamonds, rubies and emeralds.她戴著一枚紅寶石小耳環(huán).She is wearing a small ruby earring.這些晶體是天然存在的,人們稱之為紅寶石.These crystals occur in nature and are the gems known as rub...
莫雷蒂用手理了理他那一頭凌亂的紅發(fā)。Moretti ran a hand through his disordered red hair.我們將給予她貴賓級(jí)禮遇,并且為她鋪設(shè)紅地毯。We'll give her some VIP treatment and roll out the red carpet.她意識(shí)到自己做了什么后羞紅了臉。She turned scarlet from embarrassment, once sh...
“紅木”的拼音為:hóng mù...
胭脂紅的衣服很適合你的膚色, 你就買這件吧.The color of rouge goes with your complexion, pick this one.日落胭脂紅, 無雨便是風(fēng).Sunset Carmine, no rain is wind.我們?cè)谒崮毯凸锌吹降碾僦t, 實(shí)際上是干胭脂蟲的粉末!Carmine , which can be found in yoghurts and juice drinks , is a...
“潮紅”的拼音為:cháo hóng...
他有一頭火紅的頭發(fā)。He has flaming red hair.火紅的朝霞映照在她的臉上.The blood - red light of down flared on her face.她有一頭火紅的頭發(fā).She has fiery red hair....
在指關(guān)節(jié)擦破皮的地方,約翰尼都給抹上了紅藥水.John put some mercurochrome on the places where his knuckles were skinned and cut.在傷口處由里向外涂抹紅藥水, 晾干, 不要沾水.Wound from in outwards daub by mercurochrome, dry, don't dip in water.他割破了手, 我用紅藥水, 絨布...
這猩紅色的地毯中和了你的窗簾的顏色.The scarlet carpet kills your curtains.此時(shí)他不耐煩地拿著莫莉的鑰匙, 它松散地包在她猩紅色的頭巾里.He now impatiently handed molly the key, that was loosely bundled inside her scarlet scarf.在茂密的葉柄端部開猩紅色花的一種歐亞多年生園林植物.Eurasian garden...