“指向性”的拼音為:zhǐ xiàng xìng...
“指南”的英語可以翻譯為:fingerpost,guide,vade mecum,handbook,directory ...
“指控”的近義詞/同義詞:控告, 控訴。...
而且所有聲頻均有指向性,聲頻愈高, 指向性愈強.The higher the acoustic frequency is, the stronger its directivity is.它表現(xiàn)在空間生產(chǎn)力發(fā)展的繼承性 、 指向性 、 加速性和國際性四個方面.The inheritance that its performance grows in dimensional productivity, directivity, accel...
“指節(jié)”的拼音為:zhǐ jié...
基于指標的CMMI評估的經(jīng)驗(小組座談會).Experiences with Indicator - Based Appraisals Panel by Geoff Draper , Harris Corporation.雷神公司的 基于 指標的CMMI評估的經(jīng)驗.Experiences with Indicator - Based CMMI Appraisals at Raytheon by Jane Moon, Raytheon.基...
孢子異型:指植物產(chǎn)生兩種大小不同的孢子: 小孢子和大孢子.Heterospory The production of two different sizes of spore: microspores and megaspores.一種溫室, 尤指(植物園中)將植物擺放得很美觀以供觀賞的暖房.A greenhouse, especially one which plants are arranged aesthetically for ...
“小指球”的英語可以翻譯為:hypothenar ...
“一指寬”的英語可以翻譯為:digitus (1.85 厘米),digit ...
叢毛動物皮上的一簇毛, 尤指狗腿上的(毛 )A fringe of hair on an animal's coat, especially on the leg of a dog....
車速達到每小時240英里時,里程表上的指針顯示超出了最高時速。At 240 mph the needle went off the clock.顯示你身高的指針在右上角。The needles that indicate your height are at the top right-hand corner.鐘的夜光指針luminous hands on a clock...
這種說法是指代間諜行為的常用外交辭令。The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying.古時候 人們用冰輪來指代明月.In ancient times , people refer to the moon as the & quot ; ice wheel.你能弄明白劃線部分指代的什么含義 嗎 ?Can you work out what the underlined words r...
“指印”的英語可以翻譯為:fingerprint,finger mark ...
“胸指”的拼音為:xiōng zhǐ...
“并指”的拼音為:bìng zhǐ...
“指手目”的英語可以翻譯為:Dactylochirotida ...
道瓊斯工業(yè)平均指數(shù)下跌了5個點,收于2,913點。The Dow Jones industrial average is down 5 points at 2,913.我們檢查了血球指數(shù),以確保一切正常。We do a blood count to ensure that all is well.女性平均體質(zhì)指數(shù)約為23。The average BMI in women is around 23....
“指猴科”的英語可以翻譯為:Daubentoniidae ...
“手指”的英語可以翻譯為:finger,dactyl,maniphalanx,[電影]Matsumoto Seicho Special: Yubi...
海軍最高指揮部對這些進展的回應(yīng)十分反常。The naval high command's response to these developments is rather curious.鮑勃命令旅指揮部登船。Bob ordered brigade HQ to embark.我們趕緊回到指揮部.We lost no time in returning to the headquarters....
指女性灌水狂人時, 還有個特定稱呼: 水母.Irrigation madman when referring to women, there are specific name: jellyfish.美容師是替人做頭發(fā)造型的,尤其指女性的頭發(fā).A hairdresser a person who cuts and styles hair ( especially of women )....
徑向偏擺是指輪胎或車輪上的高低點之差異.Radial runout is the difference between the high and low points on the tire or wheel....
“指形”的英語可以翻譯為:finger-type ...
“無指”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] adactylia,adactylism,adactyly ...
噢, 這兒的money不是指錢, 是指他打球一直保持在高水平上,一直打得很棒.No, by money, here I mean that he performs consistently at a high level.給每個孩子兩份“來喜”(應(yīng)該指錢是偶數(shù)的), 因為好事成雙, 不要只給一份.Give two lai - see to each child. Because happiness comes in twos, do n...
“指叉”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] interdigital cleft,fourchette ...
“錘狀指”的英語可以翻譯為:hammer finger,malletfinger ...
“指形晶”的英語可以翻譯為:dactylite ...
“指路標”的英語可以翻譯為:fingerpost,guide sign ...