Objective Discuss sterilization effect of B - class pulsation table top vacuum pressure steam sterilizer for dental handpiece.目的探討B(tài)級脈動真空壓力蒸汽臺式滅菌器對牙科手機的滅菌效果.Automatic feed back circuit to keep constant revolutions of hand...
He was led in in handcuffs and delivered over to me.他戴著手銬被帶了過來,交到了我手里。He was led away to jail in handcuffs.他戴著手銬被送進了監(jiān)獄。a pair of handcuffs一副手銬...
n.握住,把柄,線索( handhold的名詞復數 )...
Some of these dualities involve statistical - mechanical systems akin to those that M ü ller and his colleagues studied.這些二元性有部份牽涉到的統(tǒng)計力學系統(tǒng),與繆勒和同事研究的對象相近.He was a very mechanical person, who knew a lot about sound.他精通機械,了...
It has four traits: collectiveness, legitimacy, continuity and changeability.法律傳統(tǒng)具有群體性 、 勢合法性 、 史延續(xù)性和可變性四個基本特性.Radiation thinking has its synthesis, variety in aspects, changeability and focuses.輻射性思維具有綜合性 、 多向性 、 變通性和集中...
The office is a menagerie of egotists and sycophants.該辦公室乃是自私者與諂媚者匯集之處.They even praise such a disappointing program, they really are sycophants.這么差勁的節(jié)目也有人夸贊, 真是捧臭腳!During his life Confucius loathed spineless, fawning sy...
The handover ceremony was also attended by the members of the delegation.出席交接儀式的還有觀禮團成員.Macau inhabitants regarded the handover as a mere change of administration.澳門的居民認為這次移交僅僅是管理上的變化.For the example of handover test, au...
I saw them making their way, hand in hand, down the path.我看到他們手拉手沿著小路往前走去。For us, research and teaching go hand in hand.對我們而言,研究和教學是齊頭并進的。Higher returns and higher risk usually go hand in hand.更高的收益通常伴隨著更高的風險。...
hangings on the wall墻上懸掛的帷帳Tassels and Trimmings, Pillows, Wall Hangings, Table Runners, Bell.采購產品垂飾, 枕頭, 壁掛, 表亞軍, 鐘.Hangings took place outside the prison as a public spectacle.在監(jiān)獄外執(zhí)行絞刑是為了示眾.Gold hangings were used to s...
Steve barely said a handful of words during the first half hour.史蒂夫在前半小時里沒說幾句話.I'd taken a handful of uppers.我吃了幾片興奮劑。Officials at the Transportation Administration say they have already tried out a handful of backs...
Official handouts describe the Emperor as "particularly noted as a scholar".官方印發(fā)的材料將皇帝描述為“尤以學識淵博而著稱”。Soldiers oversee the food handouts.士兵們看管著救濟食品。Even after losing his job, he was too proud to accept handouts.甚至在失去工作后, ...
Dismember - This is the standard pole arm damage enhancing effect.肢解-標準的武器傷害增強效果.Objective To evaluate collodion - enhancing technique for thin paraffin sections of the gallstones.目的:評估火棉膠增強技術在膽囊結石切片中的應用.The drug increas...
The person then hangs up Ellis'phone, disconnecting Jack.接著,這個人掛斷了埃利斯的手機, 斷開了與杰克的聯(lián)系....a psychopath who hangs and disembowels his prey...絞死受害者并將其開膛破肚的變態(tài)狂Dauber's other Schatz hangs in home movie studio.多伯把沙茲的另一...
Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven : the cankerworm spoileth, and fleeth away.你增添商賈,多過天上的星.蝻子吃盡而去.Ambitious herdsmen, artisans, or sailors would become rich merchants.事業(yè)心強的牧民, 工匠或船員會成為富翁.Financi...