
阿卡英語 / 查找:Han” [共找到2656條結果]
  • Handpiece造句

    Objective Discuss sterilization effect of B - class pulsation table top vacuum pressure steam sterilizer for dental handpiece.目的探討B(tài)級脈動真空壓力蒸汽臺式滅菌器對牙科手機的滅菌效果.Automatic feed back circuit to keep constant revolutions of hand...
  • Handcrafted的音標

  • fluotHane怎么讀

  • Handcuffs例句

    He was led in in handcuffs and delivered over to me.他戴著手銬被帶了過來,交到了我手里。He was led away to jail in handcuffs.他戴著手銬被送進了監(jiān)獄。a pair of handcuffs一副手銬...
  • backHanded怎么讀

  • mecHanized的音標?

  • aracHanol是什么意思

  • Handholds的意思?

    n.握住,把柄,線索( handhold的名詞復數 )...
  • mecHanical造句

    Some of these dualities involve statistical - mechanical systems akin to those that M ü ller and his colleagues studied.這些二元性有部份牽涉到的統(tǒng)計力學系統(tǒng),與繆勒和同事研究的對象相近.He was a very mechanical person, who knew a lot about sound.他精通機械,了...
  • cHangeability造句

    It has four traits: collectiveness, legitimacy, continuity and changeability.法律傳統(tǒng)具有群體性 、 勢合法性 、 史延續(xù)性和可變性四個基本特性.Radiation thinking has its synthesis, variety in aspects, changeability and focuses.輻射性思維具有綜合性 、 多向性 、 變通性和集中...
  • sycopHants造句

    The office is a menagerie of egotists and sycophants.該辦公室乃是自私者與諂媚者匯集之處.They even praise such a disappointing program, they really are sycophants.這么差勁的節(jié)目也有人夸贊, 真是捧臭腳!During his life Confucius loathed spineless, fawning sy...
  • Handover造句

    The handover ceremony was also attended by the members of the delegation.出席交接儀式的還有觀禮團成員.Macau inhabitants regarded the handover as a mere change of administration.澳門的居民認為這次移交僅僅是管理上的變化.For the example of handover test, au...
  • lantHanide怎么讀

  • Hand in例句

    I saw them making their way, hand in hand, down the path.我看到他們手拉手沿著小路往前走去。For us, research and teaching go hand in hand.對我們而言,研究和教學是齊頭并進的。Higher returns and higher risk usually go hand in hand.更高的收益通常伴隨著更高的風險。...
  • LatHan怎么讀?

  • Hangings造句

    hangings on the wall墻上懸掛的帷帳Tassels and Trimmings, Pillows, Wall Hangings, Table Runners, Bell.采購產品垂飾, 枕頭, 壁掛, 表亞軍, 鐘.Hangings took place outside the prison as a public spectacle.在監(jiān)獄外執(zhí)行絞刑是為了示眾.Gold hangings were used to s...
  • Handful造句

    Steve barely said a handful of words during the first half hour.史蒂夫在前半小時里沒說幾句話.I'd taken a handful of uppers.我吃了幾片興奮劑。Officials at the Transportation Administration say they have already tried out a handful of backs...
  • Handouts例句

    Official handouts describe the Emperor as "particularly noted as a scholar".官方印發(fā)的材料將皇帝描述為“尤以學識淵博而著稱”。Soldiers oversee the food handouts.士兵們看管著救濟食品。Even after losing his job, he was too proud to accept handouts.甚至在失去工作后, ...
  • Handsets怎么讀?

  • cHansonnier是什么意思?

  • isocampHane怎么讀

  • enHancing造句

    Dismember - This is the standard pole arm damage enhancing effect.肢解-標準的武器傷害增強效果.Objective To evaluate collodion - enhancing technique for thin paraffin sections of the gallstones.目的:評估火棉膠增強技術在膽囊結石切片中的應用.The drug increas...
  • cHangeovers的音標

  • Hangs造句

    The person then hangs up Ellis'phone, disconnecting Jack.接著,這個人掛斷了埃利斯的手機, 斷開了與杰克的聯(lián)系....a psychopath who hangs and disembowels his prey...絞死受害者并將其開膛破肚的變態(tài)狂Dauber's other Schatz hangs in home movie studio.多伯把沙茲的另一...
  • Handsaw什么意思解釋

  • disencHant的音標?

  • mecHanothermy什么意思解釋?

  • etHanolysis怎么讀?

  • detHanizer怎么讀?

  • mercHants造句

    Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven : the cankerworm spoileth, and fleeth away.你增添商賈,多過天上的星.蝻子吃盡而去.Ambitious herdsmen, artisans, or sailors would become rich merchants.事業(yè)心強的牧民, 工匠或船員會成為富翁.Financi...