It was both deliberate and malicious, not to mention clever.這件事是處心積慮、早有預謀的,更不用說其手段的高明。...the prosecution's seemingly malicious omission of recorded evidence.控方似乎惡意將錄下的證據(jù)排除在外的做法Some jurisdictions have established thi...
...a solicitor specialising in marine law.專攻海事法的律師...Timothy Jean Geoffrey Pratt, lately deputy treasury solicitor...新卸任的政府法務部副部長蒂莫西·瓊·杰弗里·普拉特The case will Be presented By the Solicitor General.這一案子將由副檢察長受理.It might be s...
medicinal的近義詞/同義詞有:therapeutic, remedial, helping, healing, corrective, relieving, healing, remedial, corrective, curative, therapeutic, helping, medical, relieving。adj.medicinal的近義詞(治療的;改善的):therapeutic, remedial, helpi...
She's proficient in several languages.她精通好幾種語言。a technically proficient performance of the piece精湛的樂曲演奏She was very proficient in music.她非常精通音樂.Mr. Barret is not proficient in diagnosis, let alone investigation.巴瑞特先...
Please remember that mastery and automaticity are your goals - not just comprehension.請記住:對所學內(nèi)容的掌握和即時反應才是你的最終目標 —— 絕對不僅僅是理解.The mechanism most frequently appears to be due to automaticity.發(fā)生機制是頻繁發(fā)生的自動除極.This equipment is...
The boy could have felt sorry for himself and become depressed, or he could have adopted hardened cynicism as a defense.這個男孩本有可能自憐自哀、抑郁消沉,也有可能采取冷酷的憤世嫉俗態(tài)度來保護自己。She viewed his new interest in her with cynicism.她以懷疑譏諷的態(tài)度看待他...
a deliciously spicy flavour香辣的味道Berti's clear tomato soup is deliciously light.伯蒂做的西紅柿清湯清淡可口。Despite its very low fat content, it is deliciously creamy.雖然脂肪含量很少,但是味美似乳脂。a deliciously spicy flavor香辣的味道Berti's cl...
n.冰柱( icicle的名詞復數(shù) ),樹掛,銀筍...
beneficial的近義詞/同義詞有:favorable, advantageous, gainful, useful, profitable, helpful, valuable, advisable, helpful, useful, profitable, advantageous, salutary, favorable, constitutional, desirable, healthy, wholesome。adj.be...
Other papers have editorialized, criticizing the Czech government for rushing to judgment on this individual.其他報紙已經(jīng)發(fā)表了社論,譴責捷克政府對這一獨立的個體草率下定論。Psychotherapists often take a perverse delight in criticizing other psychothera...
The optician moved the chart closer: " Now can you read it? "驗光師把視力表靠近 一點: “ 現(xiàn)在能認出來 嗎 ? ”A dispensing optician supplies glasses, but doesn’t test your eyes.配鏡師為你提供眼鏡,但不檢查眼睛。The optician has advised that I wear contact le...
The judiciary must think very hard before jailing non-violent offenders.司法部在將非暴力犯罪者投入監(jiān)獄前必須經(jīng)過審慎的考慮。This is the fifth and probably final day of testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.今天是在參議院司法委員會作證的第5天,很可能也是最后一天。T...
This new tabular method, without the help of chromaticity diagram, is simple , rash and accurate.利用該表解法可以脫離色品圖, 并具有簡單快速、準確可靠的優(yōu)點.Gardner chromaticity value and color grade of solid gum rosin was determined a Lovibond auto...
The municipal government will do something about the firetraps in the city.市府將對城里容易失火的建筑物采取防患措施.The decor was reminiscent of a municipal arts-and-leisure centre.這種布置讓人想起都市里的藝術休閑中心。The one bright spot for municipal Wi - F...
By judicious management and improvement, it might be made to pay more.只要經(jīng)營得當,并加以改進, 可能還會多賺一些.Especially in dairy production, a judicious use of concentrates will pay dividends.尤其是在牛奶生產(chǎn)中, 審慎使用精飼料將是有利的.We should listen to ...
Two technicians were preparing a videotape recording of last week's programme...兩個技術人員正在準備上周節(jié)目的錄像帶。Arrange and assort with technicians of the technical training.協(xié)調與安排維保員工的技術培訓.The company has 2 technicians and 8 agr...