won的音標:won的英式發(fā)音音標為:[w?n]won的美式發(fā)音音標為:[w?n, won]...
Patrons are requested to leave their bags in the cloakroom.顧客請將手提包留在衣帽間....a cloakroom attendant.衣帽間服務(wù)員He deposited his overcoat in the cloakroom.他把大衣存放在衣帽間。Imes removed his greatcoat from the cloakroom.艾姆斯從衣帽間取出他的大衣....
dangerous的反義詞有:secure, safe。adj.dangerous的反義詞(危險的;不安全的):secure, safe。...
so long的音標:so long的英式發(fā)音音標為:[s?? l??]so long的美式發(fā)音音標為:[so? l??]...
probable的反義詞有:improbable, improbable。adj.probable的反義詞(可能的):improbable。probable的反義詞(其他釋義):improbable。...
He was surprised to see hookers move into the next apartment.他看到妓女搬入隔壁公寓時,嚇了一跳.You've been spending our rent money on Filipino hookers?你把房租全花在菲律賓妓女身上了?I hear your marriage is on the rocks , and you're shopping ...
abandon的近義詞/同義詞有:quit, desert, forsake, entirely, withdraw, leave, up, give, discontinue, cease, surrender, depart, evacuate, discard, relinquish, undone, quit, abdicate, surrender, relinquish, cede, cease, desist, forsa...
Tables were covered with nightgowns, blouses , dresses , sweaters, scarves, hosiery - all kinds of cheap odds and ends.桌上擺滿了睡衣 、 襯衫 、 毛衣 、 圍巾 、 襪子等等各種各樣的便宜雜貨.I hate all my nightgowns.我討厭所有的睡袍.I hate this nightgown. I hat...
monotony的反義詞有:variety, variety, change。n.monotony的反義詞(單調(diào);無變化):variety。monotony的反義詞(其他釋義):variety, change。...
tour guide的音標:tour guide的英式發(fā)音音標為:[tu? ɡaid]tour guide的美式發(fā)音音標為:[t?r ɡa?d]...
v.(汽車等)調(diào)低速擋( downshift的過去式和過去分詞 )...
qualification的近義詞/同義詞有:adequacy, acceptableness, competency, ability, stuff, competence, eligibility, the, satisfactoriness, meetness, skill, suitability, apptitude, right, fitness, stipulation, defining, confinement, li...
Can suffer excessive internal heat cause leucorrhoea to bleed?上火會引起白帶出血 嗎 ?Did leucorrhoea become yellow get disease of department of gynaecology?白帶變黃是不是得了婦科病?To menses, what omen is occurrence dust - colour leucorrhoea?...
go的反義詞有:stop, stay, arrive, remain, come, come, remain, enter, stay。vi.go的反義詞(離去;移動):stop, stay, arrive, remain, come。go的反義詞(其他釋義):come, remain, enter, stay。...
loyal的反義詞有:faithless, traitorous, disloyal, treacherous, fickle, false。adj.loyal的反義詞(忠誠的;忠心的):faithless, traitorous, disloyal, treacherous, fickle, false。...
economical的近義詞/同義詞有:budget, low-cost, money-saving, low-budget, cost-effective, economy, high-yield, scrimping, penny-wise, parsimonious, saving, sparing, efficient, frugal, provident, thrifty, economizing, chary, pruden...
toxic的近義詞/同義詞有:venomous, deadly, noxious, malignant, poisonous。adj.toxic的近義詞(有毒的;有害的):venomous, deadly, noxious, malignant, poisonous。...
tolerant的近義詞/同義詞有:sensitive, easy-going, sympathetic, broad-minded, level-headed, humane, liberal-minded, accepting, unprejudiced, charitable, philosophical, receptive, latitudinarian, humanitarian, large-hearted, meek, ...
possess的近義詞/同義詞有:own, maintain, have, hold, occupy, control, maintain, hold, control, own, occupy, have。vt.possess的近義詞(擁有):own, maintain, have, hold, occupy, control。possess的近義詞(其他釋義):maintain, hold, control, own, occupy...
consolidate的近義詞/同義詞有:secure, strengthen, condense, combine, unite, concentrate, integrate, merge, combine, unite, compress, merge, condense, concentrate, squeeze, reduce, centralize, amalgamate, cohere, telescope, unify,...