“錘打”的英語可以翻譯為:hammer,hammerblow,hammering ...
投手不只仰賴速度讓打擊者打不到球.Pitchers don't just rely on speed to get a pitcha batter.現(xiàn)在打擊者是誰?Who is at bat now?尚未被殲和尚未受殲滅性打擊者只有五十四個旅.There are only 54 brigades which have neither been wiped out nor received crushing blows....
我說,先投一萬打底.I mean to put in ten thousand. Ground floor.使用化妝品之前先用點潤膚脂打底.Put some moisturizer on as a base before applying your make - up.牛奶般完美肌膚全靠真正的牛奶打底.Perfect skin like milk depend on the real milk backing....
那蘇格蘭園丁用手碰了碰帽邊,向我打招乎.The Scotch gardener touched his hat to me....
包括: 40-60 片指甲,水晶粉, 水晶液, 膠水, 超效粘合打底劑, 拋光條, 筆刷, 調(diào)配皿,修甲棒.Including: 40 - 60 tips , acrylic powder, acrylic liquid, glue, ultra bond primer, buffer , brush, dappendish & manicure stick.非 酸性打底劑,不會損傷天然指甲,適用于任何凝膠和水晶產(chǎn)品,無異味.Non -...
她一掌打掉了他手中的錢.She hit off the money in his hand with one blow....
“抽打”的英語可以翻譯為: lash,whip,thrash,slash ...
打屁股是教育兒童守紀律的好方法 嗎 ?Is spanking a good way to discipline children?他好好地教訓了那個小鬼一頓(打屁股).He gave the brat a good spanking.最后, 受過良好教育的男女們開始意識到了打屁股和性興奮之間的直接聯(lián)系.Finally, well - educated women and men became aware of a direct conn...
“打雷”的拼音為:dǎ léi...
“打火花”的拼音為:dǎ huǒ huā...
“痛打”的拼音為:tòng dǎ...
德斯蒙德叫醒他的時候他還在打呼嚕呢。He was snoring when Desmond awakened him.我聽得見保羅在隔壁房間里打呼嚕。I could hear Paul snoring in the next room.我叔父打呼嚕時, 你在隔壁房間里都能聽到.When my uncle snores, you can hear him in the next room....
木匠用砂紙把一塊木頭打光滑.A carpenter smooths a piece of wood with sandpaper....
“打油詩”的拼音為:dǎ yóu shī...
“打氣筒”的英語可以翻譯為:pump,inflator ...
“錘打”的拼音為:chuí dǎ...
“打垮”的英語可以翻譯為:strike down,defeat,beat,crumple up,put to rout ...
“打捆機”的拼音為:dǎ kǔn jī...
“打破”的英語可以翻譯為:eak,smash ...
“敲打”的拼音為:qiāo da...
“打劫”的近義詞/同義詞:掠奪, 劫奪, 劫掠, 侵奪, 侵掠, 侵占, 強搶, 搶掠, 搶劫, 搶奪。...
這個時候打攪您,我萬分抱歉。I'm terribly sorry to bother you at this hour.“能打攪一下嗎,”肯尼思說。"If I may interrupt for a moment," Kenneth said.他們吵鬧不停,打攪了鄰居.Their ceaseless noise annoyed the neighbours....
他們猛烈地廝打著.They were fighting tooth and nail.狗和野貓猛烈廝打.The dog struggled fiercely with the wild cat.她瘋狂而兇猛地廝打著.She fought with crazed ferocity....
農(nóng)民過去用手打麥脫粒.Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand.在一些村子里,農(nóng)民用機器來打麥.In some villages farmers use a machine to thresh wheat.在有脫粒機之前,農(nóng)民用手打麥脫粒.Before thrashing machines farmers thrashed their wheat by hand....
運動員在比賽中只打了三個一壘打.The players got only three singles in the game.球越過投手頭頂,飛向中外場造成一壘打.The ball went over the pitcher's head and into center field for a single.雷濟?杰克森打了個滿壘全壘打.Reggie Jackson hit a grand slam....
這是沉悶的星期一,亨利對著書本打瞌睡.It was blue Monday and Henry nodded sleepily over his books.祖母坐在火爐旁打瞌睡.Grandmother sat nodding by the fire.他在陽光下打瞌睡.He drowsed in the sun....
“輕打”的英語可以翻譯為:tip-tap,tap,tit ...
“打劫”的拼音為:dǎ jié...
那位拳擊手看準目標,一拳把對手打垮了.The fighter's well - aimed blow curled his opponent up.這一懦怯的攻擊把她打垮了.The cowardly attack broke her.早在三天之前,拿破侖已經(jīng)打垮了布魯克.Napoleon had routed Blucher three days earlier....
“打探”的近義詞/同義詞:刺探, 探聽。...