兩支球隊的水平都很高,節(jié)奏和速度都很快。Both teams played with a lot of quality, pace and tempo.他是球隊的隊長,但實際上卻并未上場。He captained the team but he didn't actually play.這支球隊的表現(xiàn)并不像最終比分所顯示的那樣糟糕。The team did not play as badly as the scoreline ...
兩個士兵騎馬趕到旅行隊的前頭.The two soldiers rode up to the head of the caravan.所有英國的沙漠旅行隊都首尾相連.All the touring caravans in Britain were put end to end.旅行隊在沙漠中的綠洲停下來過夜.The caravan stopped for the night at an oasis....
“編隊”的拼音為:biān duì...
顯然,那些人是在受到一支巡邏隊的盤問后開的火。The men apparently opened fire after they were challenged by a patrol.那天夜里巡邏隊之間發(fā)生了一場沖突.There was a brush between patrols that night.巡邏隊 報告一切平安無事.The patrol have [ has ] reported that all is quiet....
猜,偵察隊最新給了他們什么玩意兒?What d'you think's the latest thing they've served them out with?你不認為我們應先派出偵察隊 嗎 ?Don't you think we ought to send a reconnaissance team in first?他還發(fā)現(xiàn)有一支伊渥克偵察隊碰到了外星人.He also observed ...
“編隊”的英語可以翻譯為:form into columns,organize into teams,[軍]formation ...
“旅行隊”的英語可以翻譯為:caravan,safari ...
“部隊”的英語可以翻譯為:army,armed forces,troops,unit,command ...
“隊形”的英語可以翻譯為:formation,order ...
“商船隊”的英語可以翻譯為:shipping,merchant marine,merchant fleet,argosy ...
“一隊”的英語可以翻譯為:covey,posse ...
雖然舊時的秘密警察業(yè)已廢除,但憲兵隊依然存在。Although the old secret police have been abolished, the military police still exist.有人向憲兵隊告發(fā)他為間諜.Somebody denounced him to the military police as a spy.他告到地方憲兵隊和更高一級當局, 結(jié)果把卜啟丘家族中的三十成員抓去了.He called ...
他們站在門外的暗處, 領隊則在里面談判.Outside in the gloom they stood, while the leader parleyed within.我們每個月聚在一起一整天,輪流擔任領隊。Once a month we met for the whole day, and in rotation each one led the group.該合唱隊演唱了他們領隊編寫的大合唱.The choral society...
“團隊”的英語可以翻譯為:team ...
由十名士兵組成的分遣隊留在后面看守囚犯.A detachment of ten men remained behind to guard the prisoners.我們期望海軍分遣隊到來.The naval contingent was expected to come.我站在那看著一支分遣隊從街上走過.I stood and watched a contingent of troops marching through the st...
“艦隊”的拼音為:jiàn duì...
他被派遣到香港任C中隊的副隊長。He was posted to Hong Kong as second-in-command of C Squadron.1942年,他是108飛行中隊的指揮官.In 1942 he took command of 108 Squadron.兩名死者都被認出是15中隊的.Both of the dead men were identified as from No 15 squadron....
“部隊”的拼音為:bù duì...
“警衛(wèi)隊”的英語可以翻譯為:posse ...
“突擊隊”的英語可以翻譯為:commando,storm troops ...
“領隊”的拼音為:lǐng duì...