他的輔導(dǎo)教師發(fā)現(xiàn)了他在閱讀和寫作方面進(jìn)步的跡象。His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing.無跡象表明向客戶售出了不適用的保險。There is no suggestion that clients have been sold inappropriate policies.昨天在華盛頓舉行的中東和談有了取得進(jìn)展的跡象。Middle Eas...
“象牙質(zhì)”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] strata eboris,substantia eburnea,dentin,dentine ...
“意象派”的英語可以翻譯為:imagism ...
“跡象”的英語可以翻譯為:sign,token,indication,evidence,hide ...
“象棋”的拼音為:xiàng qí...
“氣象臺”的英語可以翻譯為:observatory,meteorological observatory ...
“表象”的拼音為:biǎo xiàng...
“象馬的”的英語可以翻譯為:equine ...
“現(xiàn)象的”的英語可以翻譯為:phenomenal,phenomenological ...
“對象”的近義詞/同義詞:工具, 器材, 東西, 目標(biāo), 宗旨。...
當(dāng)他們靠近時,大象又吼又跺腳。The elephants trumpeted and stamped their feet at their approach.一群大象緩慢而笨拙地穿過平原,朝水潭走去。A herd of elephants lolloped across the plains towards a watering hole.他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。His tour de force is an elephant s...
“微構(gòu)象”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] microconformation ...
“氣象臺”的拼音為:qì xiàng tái...
“氣象圖”的拼音為:qì xiàng tú...
“象征的”的英語可以翻譯為:emblematical,indicative,symbolic,token,aniconic ...
在這一切正常的表象下潛伏的是將使這個家庭四分五裂的毒癮。Underneath this image of normalcy, addiction threatened to rip this family apart.電視廣告看上去或許更加專業(yè),但要當(dāng)心,不要把表象誤以為真。Television commercials might seem more professional but beware of mistaking the gl...
“象”的英語可以翻譯為:elephant,appearance,shape,image(仿效; 摹擬) imitate,as ...
在意大利,每年大量捕殺野生動物的現(xiàn)象令人震驚。The annual slaughter of wildlife in Italy is horrific.有時商店里的某些雜貨會有脫銷的現(xiàn)象。The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries.過去10年中,少女懷孕的現(xiàn)象不斷增多。Teenage conceptions have risen steadily in the last...
她知道自己是朋友們同情的對象。She knew that she was an object of pity among her friends.首相今天仍是各大報紙的主要報道對象.The Prime Minister remains the main story in today's newspapers.她不知道他是否有可以傾心交談的對象。She wondered whether he had someone to who...
“海象”的英語可以翻譯為:morse,walrus (也稱“象海豹”),elephant seal,sea elephant,sea ox ...
受洗禮是象征的禮節(jié).Baptism is a figurative ceremony.查明這些頭戴神圣象征的修女們也和這起陰謀有牽連?Find out that the sisters of the most holy thorny crown are involved in the cover - up?結(jié)婚戒指通常是愛情象征的表示.A wedding ring is usually a symbolic gesture of lov...
回腸膽結(jié)石梗阻可引起各種明顯的臨床征象.Obstruction of the ileum by stone leads to distinct clinical pictures.愛瑪在她的這篇談話中,始終注意著她, 看不出有什么了不起的愛情的征象.Emma watched her through the fluctuations of this speech, and saw no alarming symptoms of love....
音樂學(xué)院讓你有充分的理由任想象力自由馳騁。A conservatory offers the perfect excuse to let your imagination run riot.這些詩激發(fā)了一代又一代孩子的想象力。These poems have helped kindle the imagination of generations of children.他是當(dāng)下仍舊活躍的最有闖勁、最具想象力的爵士樂鋼琴師之一。He...
“象鼻蟲”的英語可以翻譯為:curculio,[醫(yī)] weevil,snout beetle,zyzzyva ...
我的爪子都快等不及要撕爛那毛象了!I can't wait to get my claws in that mammoth.科考人員在森林中發(fā)現(xiàn)了很多毛象的尸骨化石.The scientific investigation team found many mammoth fossils in the forest....
“想象的”的英語可以翻譯為:imaginary,fancy,imaginative,notional,suppositional ...
對不公正現(xiàn)象的憤怒塑造了他的性格。Anger at injustice formed his character.是結(jié)束這種泄密現(xiàn)象的時候了.It's high time this leakage of information was put a stop to.大氣擴(kuò)散現(xiàn)象的說明仍然是準(zhǔn)經(jīng)驗性的和統(tǒng)計性的.The description of atmospheric dispersion phenomena remains ...
“象皮腫”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]elephantiasis,myelolymphangioma ...