“紅榴石”的英語可以翻譯為:carbuncle,rhodolite ...
“紅綿綱”的英語可以翻譯為:Bangiophyceae ...
“口紅”的英語可以翻譯為:ouge,lipstick,lip rouge ...
鐵匠正在錘燒紅的鐵.The blacksmith is hammering the red - hot metal.壁爐里有燒紅的煤塊.There were red coals in the grate.他用一塊燒紅的烙鐵燒灼傷口。He cauterized the wound with a piece of red-hot iron....
“紅榴石”的拼音為:hóng liú shí...
“紅癬”的拼音為:hóng xuǎn...
他的舌頭被紅辣椒辣得好難受.He burned his tongue with red pepper.紅辣椒的甜味調和了奶酪的咸味。The saltiness of the cheese is balanced by the sweetness of the red peppers.你咀嚼紅辣椒的時候舌頭是否感到灼熱?Won't you burn our tongue if you chew a chilli?...
“紅粉”的英語可以翻譯為:women,the fair sex,(脂粉) rouge and powder ...
紅茶和龍井茶在我們那很好賣.Black Tea and Longjin Tea are salable in our market.我要加奶紅茶、煮雞蛋、月牙面包、香蕉松餅各一份。I would like to take a cup of tea and milk, poached eggs, and one croissant and banana muffi.祁門以盛產紅茶聞名.Qimen is well known for its...
“紅色盲”的拼音為:hóng sè máng...
整個大廳用鮮艷的橘紅色裝飾,木建部分漆成黑色和金色。The hall is decorated in bright orangey-red with black and gold woodwork.我是橘紅色或淺棕色的,上有深棕色的圓環(huán)和斑點.I'm orange or light brown with dark brown circles or spots.他穿西裝打領帶, 她穿橘紅色針織裙.He wore a suit a...
“紅外線”的英語可以翻譯為:[物] infrared ray,infrared,ultrared rays ...
這棵樹的樹枝扭曲多瘤且呈紅色,樹葉則是深綠色。The tree has gnarled red branches and deep green leaves.蕃茄表面呈紅色而且發(fā)亮.A tomato has a shining red surface.紅外光譜系中, 短波長呈藍色, 長波長呈紅色.In infrared light, shorter wavelengths look blue, and longer wavelength...
“辣椒紅”的英語可以翻譯為:capsanthin,paprika ...
“磚紅色”的英語可以翻譯為:erythrine,erythrinus,brick-red,brick red ...
“品紅”的拼音為:pǐn hóng...
“紅辣椒”的拼音為:hóng là jiāo...
薔薇型.深桃紅色. 花朵直上.株形半開張.葉片大而長. 生長勢強.Deep peach - pink, Rose - shaped; flowering, large long leaves, growing vigorously.有一些人是灰色的,還有一些人是桃紅色的.Others are grey and still others pinkish.桃紅色, 薔薇型.花莖較短, 花朵側開.葉柄青綠色,葉小尖,缺刻深.株型半開張.Pea...
他正拿著一塊布,布上粉紅色的水滴落在地板上。He was holding a cloth that dripped pink drops upon the floor.她穿的那件輕薄的粉紅色連衣裙在身后飄舞。She was wearing a flimsy pink dress that streamed out behind her.選用了粉紅色和米色,以跟從天花板的顏色。Pinks and beiges were chosen to...
“潮紅”的英語可以翻譯為:flushing,blush ...
酒色呈鮮艷的緋紅色.A brilliant scarlet red....
“紅血球”的拼音為:hóng xuè qiú...
“變紅的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] rubescent,erubescent ...
他還是很虛榮,把頭發(fā)染成了紅褐色。He is still vain enough to dye his hair red.藍衣服和 紅褐色 短襪! 他又搞錯了.Blue suit and reddish - brown socks! He had fouled up again.直到咖啡成 紅褐色,他才停止攪拌.He stirred the coffee until it was a light reddish - brown ....
“磚紅土”的拼音為:zhuān hóng tǔ...
“紅藥水”的拼音為:hóng yào shuǐ...
水仙花和番紅花在春天開放.Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring.番紅花是一種非常昂貴的香料.This paella would be great with a glass of white wine.就在那里, 有一株粉紅色的番紅花卻在不屈地迎風搖曳著.And tITe, bravely waving in the wind , were one pink crocus....
我司主要生產和銷售葉黃素,辣椒紅素, 葡萄籽等天然色素, 食品添加劑 和 飼料添加劑.We mainly supply lutein , oleoresin, grape seed extracts and other natual colors, food & feed additives....