
阿卡英語 / 查找:” [共找到138條結(jié)果]
  • “鯨魚”的英語

    “鯨魚座”的英語可以翻譯為:Cetus ...
  • “御夫”造句

    你還可以留意到御夫座正南方的五車五.Also, notice the star Elnath at the southern tip of Auriga.說明: 御夫座AE星真得著火了 嗎 ?Explanation: Is star Aurigae on fire? No.我們的圖表顯示的的是午夜時分的御夫座, 此時的五邊形到達夜幕頂空.Our chart shows Auriga for around midnight, when t...
  • 右銘”的英語

    “座右銘”的英語可以翻譯為:motto,maxim ...
  • “御”造句

    這御座是用黃金做的腳.The throne was footed with gold.我們在御座前跪下.We knelt before the throne.御座是放在像戲臺一樣的臺上.The throne is mounted on a stage - like platform....
  • “獅子”造句

    獅子座有名于喜歡發(fā)脾氣 、 自我過早下結(jié)論和自我縱容.Leo Rising is known for tantrums, jumping to conclusions and self - indulgences.我就是典型的獅子座, 但我正努力克服自己自負的一面.I'm a typical Leo, but I'm trying to overcome my patronizing side.獅子座的人很驕傲 、 ...
  • 位的”造句

    汽車上嬰兒座位的扣牢點anchorage points for a baby's car seat你能為我弄到兩張音樂會好座位的票 嗎 ?Can you secure me two good seats for the concert?這架飛機座位的扶手很舒服.The armrest on this airline seat is very comfortable....
  • “基”造句

    鐘放在橢圓形的大理石基座上,外罩玻璃罩。The clock stands on an oval marble base, enclosed by a glass dome.就在臺階頂端的基座上有一尊莎士比亞胸像.At the very top of the steps was a bust of Shakespeare on a pedestal.他們把旗竿豎在水泥基座上.They set the pole in a bed of co...
  • “御”用英語怎么說?

    “御座”的英語可以翻譯為:ed of state ...
  • “賣的”造句

    我們的四重奏是明顯地賣座的,而且我們知道在天亮以前,我們有把握收入一大筆錢.Our quartet was out hustling and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over.哪部電影是去年最賣座的?Which film was the best seller of last year?排在最佳影片名單的是一直最賣座的電影...
  • “寶石”用英語怎么說

    “寶石座”的英語可以翻譯為:collet ...
  • “刀”怎么讀?

    “刀座”的拼音為:dāo zuò...
  • “炮”的拼音?

    “炮座”的拼音為:pào zuò...
  • 談會”造句

    座談會的日期現(xiàn)已確定.The date for the panel discussion is fixed now.我真地認為,以這樣一種大規(guī)模座談會的方式來繼續(xù)討論是不適當?shù)?I really don't feel it's appropriate to continue the discussion in such a large forum.我就叫加爾去召集承銷商來開幾次座談會,提醒他們記住一些基本的要求.I ...
  • “仙后”造句

    英仙座緊隨仙后座之后.Perseus the Hero follows Cassiopeia across the night sky.直到仙后座升到北極星的正上方,獵戶座才會出現(xiàn)在天空中.Orion won't rise until Cassipeia swings above Polaris , the North Star.說明: 我們銀河系的心臟與魂魄是否在仙后座之內(nèi)?Explanation: Is the heart...
  • “頂”用英語怎么說?

    “頂座”的英語可以翻譯為:footstock ...
  • “人馬”造句

    也許是那位人馬座警官過來再放多一些電.Maybe it's Sergeant Sagittarius coming back to fIirt some more.人馬座, 希臘神話中的半人半馬,是獸與人結(jié)合而成的獨特生物.Sagittarius , the centaur, merges beast and man a unique creature.莎拉: 看看這里, 你是人馬座 嗎 ?Sarah: Take a look...
  • “高”造句

    2003年10月11日(星期六)下午三時在大會堂高座演奏廳的演奏會.The harmonica concert at the Recital Hall at 3:00 pm on 11 - 10 - 2003....
  • 前檔”怎么讀?

    “座前檔”的拼音為:zuò qián dàng...