以前我們常到廚房偷餅干吃。We used to nick biscuits from the kitchen.我姐姐常到鄉(xiāng)間去寫生.My sister often goes into the country to sketch.他常到紡織廠去, 盡可能多學點東西.He haunted textile mills, and learned all he could....
他是個非常多產(chǎn)的作家。He is a stupendously swift writer.這個陰暗潮濕的地方蚊子非常多.Mosquitoes are extremely abundant in this dark wet place.他在這城里認識的人非常多.He knows a great many people in this city....
濕疹是一種常見的皮膚病,通常具遺傳性。Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families.這種產(chǎn)品看起來和點燃后都與常見的香煙沒什么兩樣。The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette.15年的壽命對狗而言是比較常見的。A 15-year lifespan is not uncommon for a dog...
還有一些不太常有的設施,包括圖書館和健身房。Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room.在她身上絲毫未見圣職人員常有的那種故作虔誠。She displays none of the sanctimoniousness often associated with spirituality.吸氣時疼痛是患有急性膽囊炎的人身上常有的...
若干研究已經(jīng)發(fā)現(xiàn)了兩個重要常量。Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies.其值不變的量稱為常量.A quantity whose value remains unchanged is called a constant.在無外力時,質(zhì)心的速度是常量.The velocity of the center of mass is cons...
松樹, 杉樹以及冬青是常綠樹.Pines, firs, and hollies are evergreen trees.冷杉是一種針葉常綠樹,尤在寒冷地區(qū)生長.A fir is an evergreen tree with needlelike leaves that grows especially in cold areas.常綠樹枝條: 用作裝飾品的常綠植物的枝或小枝.Evergreens: Twigs or branches o...
你會很平常地在倫敦的大街上走 嗎 ?Question : Can you walk down the streets of London normally?指出在上述貿(mào)易展覽會上展示的信息技術不平常地廣泛.Point out the IT that reveals on afore - mentioned trade exhibition not common land is extensive....
倫敦的許多商人戴常禮帽.Many London businessmen wear bowlers.現(xiàn)在戴常禮帽的已不多見了.Bowler hats are not often worn nowadays.他已躋身于那幫戴常禮帽的人的行列,在倫敦商業(yè)區(qū)工作.He's joined the bowler - hatted brigade working in the City....