“修光工”的英語可以翻譯為:smoother ...
“修面”的英語可以翻譯為:[方] shave ...
里卡多·博菲利是一名加泰羅尼亞的建筑師,這座整修過的機場就是他設計的。Ricardo Bofill, the Catalan architect, has designed the revamped airport.許多建筑需要整修。Many of the buildings are in need of repair.詹金森促成了老美術館的重新整修。Jenkinson instigated a refurbishment of the...
“修正案”的英語可以翻譯為:[經(jīng)] as amended ...
“檢修”的英語可以翻譯為:examine and repair,overhaul,recondition,service ...
這艘船的短笛聲警告修船所的員工上岸.A short blast on the ship's siren warned the dockyard staff ashore....
請問您今天下午用修枝剪 嗎 ?Do excuse me you use pruning shears this afternoon?先生自己管園子,整天不是在那兒修枝,就是在那兒除草.Does the gardening and he's always pruning and weeding.這就是從小具有修枝剪葉的高超技藝的紳士所干的事.It was performed by a gentleman supremely ad...
“修邊”的拼音為:xiū biān...
他們靜修了一周.They spent a week in ( a ) retreat.高級的靜修還有助于超個人目標的實現(xiàn).Advanced meditation may promote the realization of transpersonal goals.我甚至開始參加周末靜修.I even began to attend weekend retreats....
“修訂者”的英語可以翻譯為:expurgator,Revisor,redactor ...
“小修”的拼音為:xiǎo xiū...
把你的眉毛修剪成越往外眼角越細的月牙形。Taper the shape of your eyebrows towards the outer corners.他的手指甲是方形的,修剪得很齊。His finger nails were square and cut neatly across.除草剪刀;專門用于修剪縫隙角落里的青草。Grass shears are specially made to trim grass growing ...
“修士”的英語可以翻譯為:[宗] brother,friar ...
“修合”的拼音為:xiū hé...
“修士”的拼音為:xiū shì...
“大修”的拼音為:dà xiū...
“修建”的英語可以翻譯為:uild,construct,animate,erect,to build ...
特拉斯科特說話啰唆,讓人很難分清哪是純粹的事實哪是添油加醋的修飾之辭。Truscott's verbosity made it hard to separate plain fact from decorative embellishment.她修飾了一下自己的妝容。She retouched her make-up.她很聰明地把自己修飾打扮了一番。She had wisely smartened herself up....
“翻修”的英語可以翻譯為:ebuild,overhaul,restore ...
“修邊”的英語可以翻譯為:deburring,paring-off,trimming deflashing ...
“修平”的英語可以翻譯為:equating ...
任何小修小補都是于事無補的。No amount of tinkering is going to improve matters.所有小修道院都由克呂尼的院長直接管理.All the priories were made directly subject to the abbot of Cluny.只在外緣做一些小修小補是不夠的,我們的目標必須是重建整個系統(tǒng)。It is not enough to tinker at the edges...
整形外科: 與矯正畸形 、 恢復受損功能或修飾容貌有關的外科專業(yè).Plastic surgery: Surgery to correct disfigurement, restore function, or improve appearance.消除扭結(jié)通過除去斑塊 、 紗節(jié)或松開線頭來制作或修飾 ( 衣服 )To dress or finish ( cloth ) by removing knots, lumps, slubs, o...
“修飾”的近義詞/同義詞:潤飾, 藻飾, 妝點, 妝飾, 粉飾, 點綴, 裝飾, 裝點, 打扮, 化妝, 化裝, 妝扮, 掩飾, 裝扮, 裝束。...
“整修”的拼音為:zhěng xiū...
“機修工”的英語可以翻譯為:Mechanic ...
俄語在學校課程設置中是一門必修的外語課。Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.某些課程是必修的,其他是選修的。Certain courses are compulsory, others are optional.三個科目是必修的, 即英文, 數(shù)學和歷史.Three subjects must be taken, viz., Eng...
“修剪”的英語可以翻譯為:prune,shave,trim,clip,crop ...