
阿卡英語 / 查找:ion” [共找到14925條結(jié)果]
  • figuration是什么意思?

  • abominations例句

    He felt that abominations could feel sorrow and therefore could sacrifice themselves.他感到這些他曾厭憎的物種能體會悲傷,并因此奉獻自己的生命.Lying lips are abominations to the Lord.上帝憎惡說謊的嘴巴.Glass Walkers : They are abominations.GlassWalkers: 他們讓人...
  • eliminations造句

    The eliminations came from Mitsubishi's sales and credit departments.在沖銷來自三菱的銷售和信貸部門.Reversing the process of the eliminations is a last option to secure a fair outcome.推翻預賽的過程以獲得公正的結(jié)果是最后的選擇.Statistics showing elimi...
  • abdication怎么讀

  • experimentation造句

    Methods: By animal's experimentation , to check the change of baicalin indicatrix component of Padix Suctllariae.方法: 檢測給藥動物血漿中黃芩苷含量的變化,得到其代謝規(guī)律.Method: Adopt intestines push movement and excursive intestines flesh ex...
  • penetrations怎么讀?

  • elusion的音標?

  • masturbation是什么意思?

  • approximation造句

    Existence, approximation and stability of integrable minimum positive solutions for the above equation are gained.并得到了上述方程可積極小正解的存在性 、 逼近性、穩(wěn)定性.The successive approximation converter is of medium speed, and average resolu...
  • emotions是什么意思?

    n.情感,感情,激情( emotion的名詞復數(shù) )...
  • exculpation什么意思?

  • adhesion造句

    Objective To study the preventive effect of ofloxacin and chymotrypsin on post - operative peritoneal adhesion.目的探討氧氟沙星、糜蛋白酶腹腔灌注對污染手術(shù)后腹腔粘連的預防作用.Soil adhesion may be reduced even if water cannot readily permeate the soil ...
  • correctional例句

    The Federal Marshals took me away in handcuffs to the Santa Fe County Adult Correctional Facility.我戴著手銬,被聯(lián)邦執(zhí)法官帶往圣菲縣成人管教所.Since then she has done all the reforming that any correctional institution could desire.后來她已改過自新,任...
  • erosion造句

    ...the erosion of moral standards.道德淪喪More familiar landscapes have been sculpted by surface erosion.還有更多熟悉的地貌是因地表侵蝕形成的。Abrasion also abets wind erosion.磨損作用也助長了風的侵蝕.As their roots are strong and penetrating, they preven...
  • microfission什么意思解釋

  • ectropion造句

    Abnormal position of the eyelids or eyelashes ( ectropion, entropion, trichiasis ) is a major fault.位置反常的眼瞼或睫毛 ( 眼瞼內(nèi)翻, 眼瞼外翻, 倒睫毛 ) 都屬于嚴重缺陷.Objective To investigate the ideal combination method for correction of lower eye...
  • graduations怎么讀?

  • amplification例句

    The voice of despair may be weak and need amplification.絕望的呼聲可能很微弱,需要擴大。Operating on the borderline of superconductivity and ordinary conductivity, they produce immense amplification.它們在超導性和普通導電性的臨界線上操作, 產(chǎn)生巨大的放大效果.We may...
  • intinction怎么讀?

  • conurbations怎么讀?

  • confections例句

    This paper fabrication technique of gelatinous confections with dietary fibre without sucrose.主要介紹無蔗糖膳食纖維軟糖的研制過程.These confections were on display at the weekend Chocolate Show in New York.上周末在紐約舉行的巧克力秀上,展示了50余種由甜品師精心制作而...
  • malposition造句

    The third cardiac malposition is dextrocardia.第三種心臟位置異常是右位心.Want to accomplish this, malposition still is a good creation technique really.要做到這一點, 錯位還真是個不錯的創(chuàng)作手法.If how long bone malposition needs meeting heal commonly?如果...
  • emendation的音標

    emendation的音標:emendation的英式發(fā)音音標為:[?i:men'de??n]emendation的美式發(fā)音音標為:[??m?n'de??n, ?im?n-]...
  • delimitation的音標?

  • electromotion的意思?

  • hematization的音標?

  • constitutional的反義詞有哪些

    constitutional的反義詞有:autocratic, autocratic。adj.constitutional的反義詞(憲法的):autocratic。constitutional的反義詞(其他釋義):autocratic。...
  • interposition造句

    It is equally impossible that we should behold such interposition in any form with indifference.我們對于這種干涉,不論何種方式,都不能熟視無睹.Intervention means the interposition on some relations or mechanisms by outside force.干預是外力對某種關(guān)系或機制的...
  • erythrothionein的意思

  • constitutionality造句

    They questioned the constitutionality of the law.他們質(zhì)疑這項法律是否符合憲法。The plaintiffs in Duke Power challenged the constitutionality of the Price - Anderson Act.原告“杜克電力公司”對《普萊斯一 安德森法 》的合憲性提出質(zhì)疑.They evaluate the constitutionalit...