
阿卡英語 / 查找:ion” [共找到14925條結果]
  • prosecution的反義詞

    prosecution的反義詞有:defense, defence, defense。n.prosecution的反義詞(起訴;控告):defense。prosecution的反義詞(其他釋義):defence, defense。...
  • declaration的復數(shù)形式怎么拼寫?

  • cation造句

    A spokesman said: "We have no comment regarding the publi-cation of these photographs."一位發(fā)言人說,“對于這些照片的公之于眾,我們不予置評。”Cation exchange capacity generally increases with an increase in broken bonds.通常陽離子交換量隨破裂增加而增大.An increas...
  • indemnification怎么讀

  • Ixion什么意思?

  • prostitution造句

    ...the leader of a drugs and prostitution ring.販毒和賣淫團伙的頭目For the Tattaglia Family dealt in women. Its main'business was prostitution.這是因為塔塔格里亞家族經(jīng)營的是買賣婦女的生意.Brothels, she insists, are the acceptable face of prostitut...
  • microdiffusion例句

    Microdiffusion of oil droplets to the draining lymph nodes can partly explain this observation.油小滴的微擴散至淋巴節(jié)點可以在某種程度上地解釋此種觀測....
  • vibrations怎么讀?

  • humiliation的音標

  • locations造句

    The exact locations are being kept secret for reasons of security.確切地點因為安全原因要保密。Beaulieu hopes to start incorporating partner locations in early 2008.該公司有望在2008年初開始整合合作伙伴的培訓中心.Commuter airlines fly to out-of-the-way plac...
  • extractions怎么讀

  • ation的意思?

  • commissioners造句

    The Commissioners get between £50,000 and 60,000 a year in various allowances. But that amount can soar to 90,000 a year.委員們每年領取的各種津貼在5萬到6萬英鎊之間,但最高可達9萬英鎊。The Commissioners get between £50,000 and 60,000 a year in various...
  • commissions造句

    You have been so prompt in carrying out all these commissions...你執(zhí)行所有這些命令可真夠迅速的。Debiting from Customer's account any commissions or fees owed to IB or other third party.從客戶帳戶中扣除客戶欠推介商或其它第三方的任何傭金或手續(xù)費.Independent agen...
  • faction造句

    Faction and self-interest appear to be the norm.派系之爭和自私自利看來非常普遍。There are three separate single - player campaigns, one for each faction.每個陣營都有各自的戰(zhàn)役....the militarized zone that separates the faction leaders' areas ...
  • transmissions造句

    Multiple network transmissions overlapping in the physical channel, resulting in garbled data and necessitating retransmission.多個網(wǎng)絡傳輸重迭發(fā)生在同一物理信道上, 它導致數(shù)據(jù)被破壞,因而必須重傳.They have been accused of deliberately causing interferen...
  • flotation例句

    Flotation is used for Florida and Kola rock.浮選操作法用于佛羅里達磷礦和科拉磷礦.Flotation is a process for separating low density solids or liquid particles from a liquid phase.浮選是從液體中分離出低密度固體物或液態(tài)顆粒.Expounds liquid level control system o...
  • innovation的意思?

  • epimerization的音標?

  • notions造句

    I'd had a few notions about being a journalist.我以前曾有過想當記者的念頭。It is essential first to deracinate preconceived notions.必須首先根除那些先入之見。He found he couldn't string along with their unrealistic notions.他感到不能同意他們的不切實際...
  • obligation的近義詞有哪些

    obligation的近義詞有:duty, obligation, responsibility, function。下面這些名詞都有"義務"或"職責"的含義:duty:指按道德和法律的標準,一個人永遠要盡的義務,強調自覺性。obligation:指道義上或法律上對他人的義務,強調強制性。也指因作出承諾而被迫履行的某種義務。responsibility:指任何義務、職責、責任或職務上所盡的本分,強調對他人的責任。function:指因職...
  • circumvolution的音標?

  • bion造句

    Conclusions Measurement of the distribution of T 3 RmRNA is helpful to the differentiation of TCM - bion Zheng.結論在外周血白細胞中,T3RmRNA各亞型表達有助于臨床對中醫(yī)氣陰兩虛、陰陽兩虛型的確立....
  • immunization的音標

    immunization的音標:immunization的英式發(fā)音音標為:[??mj?na?'ze??n]immunization的美式發(fā)音音標為:[ ??mj?n?'ze??n]...
  • discussions造句

    COLLABORATION: Groupware technologies such as discussions, chat sessions and project libraries.協(xié)作層: 群件技術,如討論 、 交談會話和項目庫.The discussions were a prelude to the treaty.這些討論是簽訂該條約的前奏.Objective: Discussions on the best approa...
  • make a reservation怎么讀?

    make a reservation的音標:...
  • regulations造句

    Therefore, the legitimation of these regulations becomes an arguable issue.因此這些管制的合法化就變成了爭論的議題.regulations governing the sale of alcoholic beverages含酒精飲料的銷售管理條例We believe an offence was committed under EU regulations...我...
  • decapsulation的音標

  • declassification的意思?

  • cicatrization什么意思
