
阿卡英語 / 查找:” [共找到139條結(jié)果]
  • “緊”用英語怎么說?

    “緊致”的英語可以翻譯為:compact,tightness ...
  • “別的”造句

    房子十分狹小擁擠,但經(jīng)紀人卻把它說成是小巧別致的住宅。The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence.餐館內(nèi)部別致的新裝潢the restaurant's elegant new decor這是一棟別致的建筑物.This is a fine building....
  • 活酶”用英語怎么說?

    “致活酶”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]kinase ...
  • “大上”造句

    該書描述了4個角色,大致上以我的幾個叔叔為原型。The book follows four characters, loosely based on my uncles.巴勃羅和普列托對最后勝利的信心大致上差不離.Pablo and Prieto had about an equal faith in the ultimate victory.這個詞條大致上可以譯為: 那個老家伙.The not quite literal transl...
  • 活”造句

    腸致活酶作用于蛋白酶原.Enterokinase acts on trypsinogen....
  • 癌物”造句

    有些研究人員認為,致癌物質(zhì)能使健康細胞變成癌細胞.Some researchers contend that carcinogens may turn healthy cells into cancer cells.致癌物質(zhì)能使健康細胞變成癌細胞。Carcinogens may turn healthy cells into cancer cells.化學(xué)致癌物一般需要通過代謝來轉(zhuǎn)換成某種形式的 “ 最終 ” 致癌物.Chemical ...
  • 黑”造句

    目的: 探討球周麻醉致黑朦的原因.AIM : To explore the cause of peribulbar anaesthesia causing amaurosis fugax....
  • “一”的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    “一致”的近義詞/同義詞:同等, 劃一, 一概, 一律, 類似, 相同, 相似, 相仿。...
  • 函”造句

    該聯(lián)盟已致函蘇黎世,要求將情況解釋清楚。The union has written to Zurich asking for clarification of the situation.銀行致函尼克,稱他透支了100英鎊。Nick's bank sent him a letter saying he was £100 overdrawn.欲知詳細情況, 請致函本公司分店.For further details, please...
  • 癌性”用英語怎么說

    “致癌性”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]carcinogenicity ...
  • “招”造句

    他試圖讓他們平靜下來,但卻招致他們大聲的嘲笑。He tried to calm them, but was greeted with shouts of derision.情感的流露會招致猜疑。Displays of emotion are regarded with suspicion.他的愚蠢行動招致了人們的強烈不滿.His foolish act has brought a storm about his ears....
  • “景”的近義詞/同義詞

    “景致”的近義詞/同義詞:風景, 風物, 景色, 景物, 風光, 景象, 光景。...
  • “招”的反義詞有哪些

  • 充血”的拼音

    “致充血”的拼音為:zhì chōng xuè...
  • 力”造句

    他一直致力于在教育系統(tǒng)內(nèi)為美籍拉美人和黑人爭取權(quán)益。He was a champion for Latinos and blacks within the educational system.他一心一意致力于早日讓被壓迫者獲得自由。He was single-mindedly devoted to the hastening of freedom for the oppressed.我一直在致力于推翻有關(guān)意義恒定性的謬談。I have...
  • “精地”造句

    屋頂精致地做成圓拱形.The roof was prettily groined.純凈的五葉水晶花瓣中包含著紅色的花芯,中間則精致地點綴了亮暹羅和亮黃晶,產(chǎn)生一種柔滑的感覺和夢幻般的色彩.Ornament in fully faceted clear crystal with Light Siam and Light Topaz accents . Cream - coloured satin band....
  • 殘劑”怎么讀?

    “致殘劑”的拼音為:zhì cán jì...
  • 癌基”用英語怎么說

    “致癌基”的英語可以翻譯為:carcinogenophore ...
  • “使一”用英語怎么說?

    “使一致”的英語可以翻譯為:[經(jīng)] reconcile ...
  • 力”的近義詞/同義詞

    “致力”的近義詞/同義詞:努力, 盡力, 勉力, 戮力, 極力, 竭力, 全力, 悉力。...
  • “導(dǎo)”的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

  • “一的”造句

    我們把桌子刷成與臥室窗框一致的顏色。We painted our table to match the window frame in the bedroom.他避開了最棘手的問題,將精力集中于有可能達成一致的領(lǐng)域。He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement.許多其他調(diào)查已經(jīng)得出了與這些數(shù)據(jù)基本一致的結(jié)果。Many other s...
  • “精”造句

    阿瑪尼的精致工藝很容易博得人們的贊譽。It is easy to appreciate the craftsmanship of Armani.我偏愛加有新鮮水果的精致油酥甜點。I am partial to desserts that combine fresh fruit with fine pastry.她細膩光滑、美麗白皙的脖子上戴著一條精致的鏈子。She wore a fine chain about her alabaste...
  • “細的”造句

    為重現(xiàn)當時的情景,他們做了大量細致的工作。Elaborate efforts were made to reconstruct what had happened.歐文憑借其生動細致的描寫使這篇小說廣受歡迎。Irving popularized the story in a dramatic and embellished account.這是個很細致的工作。It's a very finicky job....
  • “精”用英語怎么說

    “精致”的英語可以翻譯為:fine,exquisite,delicate,delicacy,refinement ...
  • “筆”造句

    他的文風清秀,筆致流暢.His writing style is clear , elegant and smooth.全書以輕松的筆致, 寫出讀者感興趣的有關(guān)旅游的知識.且較強可讀性.Light - hearted and readable , book is about tourism knowledge which the readers are interested in....
  • “精的”造句

    她細膩光滑、美麗白皙的脖子上戴著一條精致的鏈子。She wore a fine chain about her alabaster neck.我們欣賞她精致的手工藝品。We admired her exquisite handiwork.精致的手表機件a delicate watch mechanism...
  • 力于”造句

    他一直致力于在教育系統(tǒng)內(nèi)為美籍拉美人和黑人爭取權(quán)益。He was a champion for Latinos and blacks within the educational system.他一心一意致力于早日讓被壓迫者獲得自由。He was single-mindedly devoted to the hastening of freedom for the oppressed.我一直在致力于推翻有關(guān)意義恒定性的謬談。I have...
  • “一性”怎么讀?

    “一致性”的拼音為:yī zhì xìng...
  • “一地”造句

    但法院并未前后一致地對這些問題作出分析.But the courts have not analyzed these issues in a consistent manner.寢室里面的空氣,好象跟著那些女孩子們那種不會有任何結(jié)果的纏綿柔情,一致地搏動.The air of the sleeping - chamber seemed to palpitate with the hopeless passion of the girls...