
阿卡英語 / 查找:” [共找到94條結果]
  • 動物”造句

    那給動物們帶來了可怕的災難。It has caused terrible suffering to animals.給動物注射是獸醫(yī)的日常工作.Injecting animals is all in a day's work for a vet.我就給動物收容所打電話,可不是, “ 大路”就在那兒.So I call the pound, and sure enough they've got old Highway...
  • “撥”造句

    1985年的聯(lián)邦預算將73億美元撥給了開發(fā)項目。The 1985 federal budget allocated $7.3 billion for development programmes.撥給巴基斯坦的援助物資仍在審核當中。The aid allocation for Pakistan was still under review.這筆款子是特別撥給我們作研究用的.This sum of money is earmarked f...
  • “補”造句

    阿富汗空軍正用直升機向被圍城鎮(zhèn)提供補給。The Afghan air force was using helicopters to supply the besieged town.這些補給要卸下來裝上直升機。The supplies need to be offloaded and put on helicopters.各種補給都不穩(wěn)定,食品也短缺。Supplies of everything are unreliable, food...
  • “或予”造句

    參議院亦必須決定對總統(tǒng)的被任命人是否要 “ 提出建議或給予同意. ”The Senate also must decide whether to " advise and consent " to the President's appointees.對行賄或受賄的人罰以重金或給予監(jiān)禁,能減少他們的收入.Stiff fines or jail terms for persons offering or accepting br...