“藏紅花”的拼音為:zàng hóng huā...
“水紅”的拼音為:shuǐ hóng...
“曙紅”的拼音為:shǔ hóng...
“紅紺病”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]erythrocyanosis ...
“磚紅色”的拼音為:zhuān hóng sè...
以掃為了一碗紅豆湯兒把長子的財產(chǎn)繼承權(quán)賣給了雅各.Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage.我愿意以一顆紅豆換你整個相思宇宙.I am willing to an Acacia beans for your entire cosmos.如果我們種紅豆 、 綠豆,長得出西瓜嗎!If we kind of red beans, mung bean, watermelon ...
“淡紅色”的英語可以翻譯為:carnation,pompadour,rosiness ...
“熒紅環(huán)”的英語可以翻譯為:fluorubin ...
“臉紅”的英語可以翻譯為: blush with shame,blush,flush with anger,get excited,color ...
她淡紅色的頭發(fā)剪得短短的,梳得很整齊。Her reddish hair was cut short and neatly combed.這條圍巾漸漸地變成了淡紅色.This scarf shades off into pink.那婦女忙著采集成熟的淡紅色的莓果.The woman busily collected the ripened reddish berries....
他有一頭火紅的頭發(fā)。He has flaming red hair.火紅的朝霞映照在她的臉上.The blood - red light of down flared on her face.她有一頭火紅的頭發(fā).She has fiery red hair....
“紅棉”的拼音為:hóng mián...
“紅尿癥”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] erythruria ...
結(jié)果: 在焰色試驗中,鈣離子發(fā)出磚紅色火焰.Result: Calcium ions give a brick red flame in flame test.顏色: 深沉而年輕的紅色, 帶紫羅蘭和磚紅色的調(diào)子.Colour: Deep and young red, with some violet and brick tones.規(guī)格: 本品為磚紅色丸劑,每瓶10粒.Specification: The pills are brick...
“紅茶”的拼音為:hóng chá...
“紅玉”的拼音為:hóng yù...
她面紅如火.Her face was as red as fire.他激怒而面紅了.His face flamed with anger....
“紅土”的拼音為:hóng tǔ...
她的指甲涂成了大紅色,為的是與裙子相配。Her nails were painted bright red to match her dress.兩人身后,大紅色的垂簾的婚床使人聯(lián)想起“愛的肉體行為 ”, 根據(jù)基督教義,這樣的行為是夫妻完美結(jié)合的要素.It'sucks the entire visual world into itself , transforming it into a representation.外形四方...
“褐紅色”的拼音為:hè hóng sè...
“品紅酮”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] fuchsone ...
“紅褐色”的拼音為:hóng hè sè...
“棗紅”的拼音為:zǎo hóng...
“深紅色”的英語可以翻譯為:peony,pomegranate,crimson,deepred,carmine ...
“菌紅素”的英語可以翻譯為:acterioruberin ...
“紫紅的”的英語可以翻譯為:amaranthine ...
將胭脂調(diào)勻涂在你臉頰紅潤的地方。Dust and blend blusher on the apples of your cheeks.他紅潤的臉龐仍舊時常笑得堆起褶子。His ruddy face still routinely creases with mirth.紅潤的面頰是健康的象征.Rosy cheeks are a symbol of good health....
這一結(jié)構(gòu)叫做血紅素基因.This structure is called the heme group.氧基血紅素把氧氣輸送供給人體的細(xì)胞.Oxyhemoglobin transports oxygen to the cells of the body.數(shù)量減少,那些剩下的被縮小,而且包含更少的血紅素.Numbers fall and those that are left shrink and contain less haemogl...