鉛是早在古代就已知的金屬之一。Lead was one of the metals known to the ancient world.水銀是一種已知的有毒物質。Mercury is a known poison.人們通常從已知的事實中推斷未知的事實.People usually infer an unknown fact from a known fact....
“知音”的拼音為:zhī yīn...
歷時彌久,相知愈深.The passage of time has deepened our mutual understanding.人們可以在工作單位相遇 、 相知和相愛.People can meet, know and love each other at their workplace.這些朋友并非泛泛之交,而是相知多年的老朋友.Old friends of not just yesterday but years and y...
知情人透露, 這個團隊在2007年看空抵押貸款價格,并因此大賺近40億美元.In 2007, the group wagered that mortgage prices plungea nearly $ 4 billion at the time....
“良知”的拼音為:liáng zhī...
“知交”的拼音為:zhī jiāo...
“通知者”的英語可以翻譯為:communicant,informant,informer ...
“無知覺”的英語可以翻譯為:imperception ...
“不知道”的英語可以翻譯為:hear nothing of,be ignorant of,be insensible of,be unaware of,in the dark ...
這種行為可由湯姆森原子模型推知.This behavior follows from the Thomson atomic model.法官從結果中推知動機.The judge inferred a motive from an effect.從邁爾斯博士和沃爾姆博士的論文中我們可以推知.We can infer from Dr. Myers and Dr. Worm's paper that....
“無知的”的英語可以翻譯為:ignorant,empty-headed,[法] guiltless,uninformed,innocent ...
“無知”的拼音為:wú zhī...
《圣經》里的先知書,只不過是當時各種預言的范本罷了.The prophetic books of the Bible can be but specimens of the prophesyings of that time.闡釋之章節(jié)選自以賽亞書 、 耶利米書 、 以西結書及十二先知書.Exegesis of selected passages from Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and the Twelve...
“知情人”的拼音為:zhī qíng rén...
格雷戈里和卡門說了知心話。Gregory shared confidences with Carmen.他把我告訴他的知心話告訴了每個人.He blab bed my confidences to every one.直到朱迪思來,他們的知心話才告一段落.Their confidence lasted until Judith appeared....
“知道”的英語可以翻譯為:know,realize,be aware of,awareness,be conscious of ...
蒂姆想知道他們究竟是怎么做到的。Tim wondered how the devil they had managed it.我想知道是誰在瞎擺弄這輛嬰兒車。I'd like to know who's been messing about with the pram.她想知道之后他們要去哪里約會。She wondered where they were going to rendezvous afterwards....
“知覺”的拼音為:zhī jué...
“知曉”的英語可以翻譯為:know,be aware of,understand ...
“可知性”的拼音為:kě zhī xìng...
他深信自己是當代先知。He holds the belief that he is a latter-day prophet.那時,信徒們尊他為先知。The faithful revered him then as a prophet.丹尼爾是《圣經》中一位偉大的先知.Daniel was one of the great prophets in the Bible....
“知心”的拼音為:zhī xīn...
“知母屬”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] anemarrhena ...
“無知”的英語可以翻譯為:ignorant,emptiness,ignorance,innocence,nescience ...
“無知”的近義詞/同義詞:蒙昧, 迂曲, 愚笨, 愚蠢, 愚昧。...
“想知道”的拼音為:xiǎng zhī dào...
“先知的”的英語可以翻譯為:prophetic ...
《每日郵報》的頭版標題為“良知的聲音”。The Daily Mail has the headline "The Voice of Conscience"看到有些罪犯還有良知讓人感到欣慰。It's pleasing to see some criminals have a conscience.我們遵從了自己的良知,盡到了自己的義務。We have followed the dictates of our conscience...
“預知的”的英語可以翻譯為:prescient,foregone ...