“四等分”的拼音為:sì děng fèn...
我們分開地單獨成長意味著我們只成長了一丁點兒.To grow individually means we all grow a little bit.在一雪天, 您分開地說!In a snow day, you said separately!每個問題應(yīng)該被分開地評估.Each problem should be assessed separately....
“克分子”的拼音為:kè fēn zǐ...
“分別”的反義詞:團圓, 見面, 重逢, 相逢, 團聚。...
“分析”的反義詞:綜合, 歸納, 總結(jié)。...
這個特殊分子的化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)很不尋常。The chemical structure of this particular molecule is very unusual.他這樣做正中種族主義分子的下懷。He is playing into the hands of racists.警方盡力阻止毒品走私分子的潛入.The police tried to prevent infiltration by drug traffickers....
“分枝”的拼音為:fēn zhī...
“分界線”的拼音為:fēn jiè xiàn...
那位滑雪者出色的表演使他贏得了那天的最高分.The skier's brilliant performance earned him the highest score of the day.這兩個女孩為奪得最高分而競爭.The two girls competed with each other for the highest mark.她在花式跳水中得了最高分.She got the highest score in fa...
“分割”的拼音為:fēn gē...
“分叉”的英語可以翻譯為:forking,branching,ramification,offtake,bifurcate ...
“分化”的反義詞:同化, 統(tǒng)一, 組合。...
我試圖分辨出她用哪種香水。I tried to identify her perfume.這個物種的雄性和雌性幾乎無法分辨。The male of the species is almost indistinguishable from the female.兒童并非生來就會分辨是非。Children do not know by instinct the difference between right and wrong....
“分化”的近義詞/同義詞:分解, 瓦解, 分裂, 分歧。...
“分度”的英語可以翻譯為:[物] [電] scale division,scale mark,division,graduate ...
我把那片平地分塊出售.We plotted out the level ground for sale.我們也可以將矩陣分塊,即在行以及列之間畫一些水平線和垂直線.We may partition matrices by drawing horizontal and vertical lines between the rows and columns.這種圖式通常由一系列表示分析中主要段落的分塊來組成.Such diagrams no...
我可以坦白地說,我們最差的顧問掙不到一分錢。I make it no secret that our worst consultants earn nothing.一分錢一分貨。Price differences are used as a proxy for differences in quality.可惜伯科威茨從來沒得到過一分錢。Unhappily for Berkowitz, he never got a penny....
這里面全是精神分析的一派胡言。It's all full of psychoanalytic mumbo-jumbo.他缺乏深度和分析的精確性。He lacked profundity and analytical precision.分析的結(jié)果表明混合物中含有水.Analysis showed that water was present in the mixture....
“天分”的近義詞/同義詞:天賦, 天資, 資質(zhì), 天稟, 天才, 天性, 稟賦, 天生, 先天, 本性, 賦性, 性格。...
“分支的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] ramal,ramose ...
“均分”的拼音為:jūn fēn...
“分貝”的拼音為:fēn bèi...
“分派”的英語可以翻譯為:assign (to different persons),assignment,apportion,allocate,allot ...
他們現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)遠離了最遠的零星分布的郊區(qū)了。They were beyond the last straggling suburbs now.呈輻射狀分布的公共交通設(shè)施the radial pattern of public transport facilities示蹤劑的分布接近正態(tài)分布的樣式.The tracer is distributed in a nearly normal fashion....
“分帶”的拼音為:fēn dài...
“分發(fā)”的英語可以翻譯為:distribute,hand out,issue,dispense,give away ...
我們是在兩年以前分別的.It is two years since.我們是在那以前兩年分別的.We had parted two years since....
“部分”的反義詞:全體, 整體, 全部, 一切, 整個。...
“再分配”的英語可以翻譯為:edistribution,reallocate,reassign ...