這位航海家的名譽受到了歷史修正主義者的攻擊。The reputation of the navigator is under assault from historical revisionists.該法案具有很多限制性修正條款。The bill is filled with constricting amendments.那處修正已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)在鉛字紙上。The correction had already been set in type...
“修正的”的英語可以翻譯為:amendatory,correctional,[法] amended,emendatory,modificatory ...
“修補”的近義詞/同義詞:補綴, 修理。...
“修復”的英語可以翻譯為:epair,restore,renovate,rehab,rehabilitate ...
修行者不允許收藏食物和飲料在房間.Yogis are not allowed to keep food and beverages in the room.在家修行者必須持受八戒.Lay yogis are required to observe the Eight Precepts.瑜伽修行者和冥想者坐在蓮花臺上.Yoga students and meditators sit in lotus position....
他在當?shù)匾患倚捃噺S做板金維修工.He works as a panel beater in a local garage.維修工就要在哈里陪同下開進去.The service engineers, backed up by Harry, would move in.維修工將開進去.The service engineers would move in....
箴4:26要修平你腳下的路, 堅定你一切的道.Pro 4:26 Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established.要修平你腳下的路, 堅定你一切的道.Keep a watch on your behaviour ; let all your ways be rightly ordered.26要修平你腳下的路, 堅定你一切的道.Ponder the path...
“主修”的拼音為:zhǔ xiū ...
韋伯說,事實上, 這意味著要取代修道院 式 的靈性操練, 自我 否認, 以及禁欲苦修的生活.In effect , said Weber, this meant displacing the monastic - style discipline, self - denial, and ascetics into secular life....
“維修費”的英語可以翻譯為:upkeep,[化] attendance cost,maintenance cost ...
“整修”的英語可以翻譯為:ebuild,renovate,repair,restore,refit ...
“修枝”的拼音為:xiū zhī...
“修理”的近義詞/同義詞:修繕, 修飾, 補綴, 修補, 補葺, 修茸, 繕治。...
“修訂”的拼音為:xiū dìng...
“修女”的英語可以翻譯為:[宗] nun,sister,religieuse,vestal,[電影]The Nun...
“大修”的英語可以翻譯為:capital [heavy,extensive] repair,turnover job,major [big] repair,heavy repair ...
“修飾語”的英語可以翻譯為:adjunct,modifier ...
“修建”的拼音為:xiū jiàn...
機修工努力維持直升機的飛行性能。The mechanics work hard to keep the he-licopters airworthy.機修工立即找到了出故障的地方。The mechanic located the fault immediately.這個機修工給我修汽車.The mechanic repaired my car....
“修訂本”的英語可以翻譯為:evision,[經(jīng)] as amended,recension ...
“修正”的拼音為:xiū zhèng...
一項憲法修正案使得任何總統(tǒng)的任職不得超過兩屆。A constitutional amendment precludes any president from serving more than two terms.即使修正案獲得通過,也有可能通過司法途徑被廢除。Even if the amendment is passed it can be defeated judicially.他力促議會通過該修正案。He tried to pus...
“拆修”的英語可以翻譯為:overhaul ...
“維修”的拼音為:wéi xiū...
“馬修斯”的英語可以翻譯為:[人名] Masius,[人名] Mathewes,[人名] Mathues,[人名] Matthewes ...
我們需要一臺草坪修剪機來割草.We need a lawn mower to cut the grass....
她是個身材修長的年輕女子。She was a young woman, fairly tall and fairly slim.他那修長的身材給人以深刻印象.His tall and spare frame cut an impressive figure.裙子下面露出兩條修長的腿,十分好看.Her slim legs came out from under the hem looking just fine....
“修表者”的拼音為:xiū biǎo zhě...