“居住于”的英語可以翻譯為:inhabit ...
我們繼續(xù)步行于圣烏爾立赫小鎮(zhèn).We continued our walk in the small town St. Ulrich....
“裝柄于”的英語可以翻譯為:helve,stem ...
對于現(xiàn)況的不滿,不能只是抱怨,要有勇氣作出改變。If you're not satisfied with the life you're living, don't just complain. Do something about it.他對于法國、德國和荷蘭的文學了如指掌。He was well acquainted with the literature of France, Germany and ...
腿直, 骨骼良好, 肌肉發(fā)達,分立于胸下, 肘緊貼于軀干.Legs - Straight, well - boned, muscular set well - apart and under chest, with elbows set close to body....
“終于”的英語可以翻譯為:at last,in the end,finally,eventually,by-and-by ...
任何數(shù)的0次方等于1。Any number to the power of nought is equal to one.12英寸等于1英尺.Twelve inches is equal to one foot.12英寸等于1英尺.Twelve inches make one foot....
“少于”的英語可以翻譯為:subter- ...
噢,約翰,關(guān)于那一點,我覺得你說得對.Oh I take your point, John, about that.關(guān)于那次事故的兩則報道有不一致之處.There was a discrepancy in the two reports of the accident.關(guān)于那件事我倆的想法一致.You and I are of one mind on that matter....
“對于”的近義詞/同義詞:關(guān)于, 對付, 看待, 對待。...
“見于”的拼音為:jiàn yú...
每天相當于兩大湯匙多重不飽和油的量就足夠了。The equivalent of two tablespoons of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day.那大約相當于目前國際石油市場價格的一半。That's about half the going price on world oil markets.他們一直在實行相當于暴政的統(tǒng)治。They have been exercising ...
“置于”的英語可以翻譯為:place in,put in,park ...
“僅次于”的英語可以翻譯為:next to,be next only to,after ...
在消費結(jié)構(gòu)重組方面,英國也落后于人。The restructuring of the pattern of consumption in Britain also lagged behind.在這一特定領(lǐng)域里她是出類拔萃的, 并使所有的競爭者都落后于她.In this special field she is facile princeps, and has left all competitors behind.所以別擔心為應(yīng)對滑坡而...
有一些人能夠很好地適應(yīng)于通貨膨脹.Some people are able to keep up with inflation fairly well.他們必須試著去破壞這種最適應(yīng)于環(huán)境變化的平衡.They must try to strike the balance best suited to the environmental stresses.應(yīng)該說是我們發(fā)展了京劇使之適應(yīng)于現(xiàn)代生活.We would say that we h...
她必須懂得,自己的愿望不能先于別人的需要。She had to learn that her wishes did not take precedence over other people's needs.對難分先后的沖線鏡頭的回放顯示奧蒂先于奧運冠軍到達終點。The replays of the close finish showed Ottey finished ahead of the Olympic champion...
“趨于”的英語可以翻譯為:go,to ...
“關(guān)于”的拼音為:guān yú...
“位于”的拼音為:wèi yú...
“出于”的英語可以翻譯為:start from,proceed from,stem from,out of ...
愛因斯坦敢于拋棄常識和長期公認的理論。Einstein had the chutzpah to discard common sense and long-established theory.伯吉特可能比我更敢于冒險。Bergit was probably more daring than I was.訓練他們敢于表達自己的感受。Teach them to voice their feelings....
氏族此外還繼續(xù)存在于 “ factions〔 “ 幫”〕中.The gens also lives on in the " factions. "它存在于世,無色, 無形, 無聲, 無嗅和無痛.It exists in this world colorless, shapeless, soundless, odorless, and painless.例如會產(chǎn)生氧氣的藍綠藻,已有毫無爭議的微體化石存在于20億年前的巖石中.In this...
埃里克·愛德華·布勒斯出生于彼得伯勒,是5個孩子中的老二。Eric Edward Bullus was born in Peterborough, the second of five children.生于蘇格蘭的安妮37歲,最近復出,再度投身于其輝煌的歌唱事業(yè)中。Scots-born Annie, 37, has recently re-launched her phenomenally successful singing car...
“立基于”的英語可以翻譯為:ased ...
“習慣于”的英語可以翻譯為:e accustomed to,be conditioned to ...
“鍍鎳于”的英語可以翻譯為:nickelize ...
由于井場所位于的山區(qū)地形下墊面特殊, 氣體擴散過程比較復雜.As well located at the mountain terrain special surface, the gas diffusion process more complicated.靈魂所位于的腔環(huán)繞于心臟左右兩側(cè)的部分.The soul sits in a cavity, which encompasses portions right and left s...