
阿卡英語 / 查找:own” [共找到1184條結(jié)果]
  • coastdown怎么讀?

  • disowning怎么讀?

  • frowned是什么意思

    v.皺眉( frown的過去式和過去分詞 )...
  • adown是什么意思

    adv.& prep.向下,朝下...
  • downtree是什么意思

  • crown的現(xiàn)在進行時怎么拼寫?

  • downplay造句

    The humiliation of defeat in 1982 caused Argentina to downplay the dispute.1982年馬島戰(zhàn)爭失敗后,阿根廷暫時擱置了爭議.The government is trying to downplay the violence.政府試圖對暴力行為低調(diào)處理。...to downplay the dangers of nuclear accidents.對核事故的危險輕描...
  • bring down怎么讀

    bring down的音標:bring down的英式發(fā)音音標為:[bri? daun]bring down的美式發(fā)音音標為:[br?? da?n]...
  • settle down什么意思

  • thrown造句

    Several suggestions for possible examination questions were thrown out by the teacher.老師就哪些問題可能作為試題作了幾點提示。The reactionary regime was thrown down by an armed uprising.那個反動政權(quán)被一次武裝起義推翻了。The veneer of artificiality which she...
  • downfall的近義詞/同義詞

    downfall的近義詞/同義詞有:ruin, upset, decline, defeat, overthrow, failure, decay, flood, downpour, rainstorm, cloudburst, failure, overthrow, defeat, downpour, upset, flood, cloudburst, ruin, rainstorm。n.downfall的近義詞(墜落;垮臺,沒落):...
  • brown的現(xiàn)在進行時怎么寫?

  • downgrades造句

    He often downgrades people he does not like.他常常貶低自己不喜歡的人.However, Dow Jones has downgrades have increased its boworring cost borrowing costs.但是, 信用度降低增加了它的貸款成本.Mitsubishi Tokyo Financialpuorgwas a key decliner after fore...
  • sown造句

    The seeds that had been sown were almost completely washed away by a sudden downpour.已經(jīng)播下的種子幾乎被一場突如其來的暴雨全沖走了。Grass and clover seed should be sown at a depth of 12 - 20 mm.禾木科草和三葉草播種深度應為 12-20 毫米.Yesterday the field oppos...
  • closedown造句

    The efforts on closedown and suspension of small sugar refineries, small saccharin refineries and small paper mills are also being carried out in steps.關(guān)停小糖廠 、 小糖精廠、小造紙廠的工作也已逐步展開.The factory owner sprang the news of clos...
  • clownish例句

    He had a clownish sense of humour.他有一種非?;挠哪?。The antics of wildebeests are often clownish and entertaining.姿態(tài)古怪的牛羚常常叫人忍俊不禁....
  • closedown是什么意思

  • down payment例句

    We are saving for a down payment on a house.我們正攢錢支付買房的首付金。If you're borrowing money for the down payment, provide a copy of the entire loan agreement.如果你要借錢付首付的話,要提供一份完整的貸款協(xié)議副本。Celeste asked for the money as a down ...
  • be known as造句

    Philadelphia may be known as home of the establishment and ethnics.費城也許是名門和族裔之鄉(xiāng).He who plots evil will be known as a schemer.8設(shè)計作惡的,必稱為奸人.He prefers to be known as Cesc rather than Francesc.他更喜歡被稱作塞斯克(Cesc) 而不是弗朗西斯克(Fran...
  • downfield例句

    He caught the ball and ran downfield 15 yards.他抓住球往前場跑了十五碼.He threw to a downfield receiver.他把球扔向了前場截球手....
  • track down造句

    He was determined to track down the cause of food spoilage.他決心查出食品腐爛的原因.Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.汽車制造商在新車的好幾處地方打上車輛識別號碼,以便于追...
  • downspout的音標

  • crack down造句

    Officers will crack down on lunatic motorists who speed or drive too close to the car in front.警察將會嚴厲打擊超速或是緊貼前車行駛的瘋狂司機。The police are really beginning to crack down on drivers who park their cars just where they like.警察真...
  • midtown造句

    a house in midtown市中心區(qū)的房子It owned tremendously valuable real estate in midtown New York, whole office buildings.考利昂家族擁有紐約市中心區(qū)極其昂貴的房地產(chǎn),擁有整座整座的辦公大樓.They lived in the midtown district.他們住在市中心區(qū).As a trader, he had taken clie...
  • brownish造句

    Any of certain rock weeds, especially the widely distributedFucus vesiculosus, having forked, brownish - green branches gas - filled bladders.一種巖草, 尤指廣闊分布的多小囊體的墨角藻屬, 有叉狀的, 棕綠色充滿氣泡的枝條.The dog has brownish fur tipped with ...
  • overgrown造句

    The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes.鏟子插入了一叢長勢旺盛的灌木叢。Much of the track had become overgrown with hawthorn.小路上很多地方都長滿了山楂樹。...a garden overgrown with weeds.長滿雜草的園子As the equipment was unpacked, I led Lee around ...
  • hometown造句

    Dad wants to get out of the rat race and move back to his hometown.父親想離開無休無止的競爭,回到他的故鄉(xiāng)。His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer.他的家鄉(xiāng)在北回歸線的北面.The houses in my hometown were chiefly composed of wood.我家鄉(xiāng)...
  • calm down造句

    Calm down for a minute and listen to me.你安靜一會兒,聽我說。He just needs to calm down a wee bit.他只是需要稍微冷靜一下。We will go back to normal when things calm down.事態(tài)平息之后,我們將一切如常。...
  • crackdowns是什么意思

    n.壓迫,鎮(zhèn)壓,打擊( crackdown的名詞復數(shù) )...
  • downwind造句

    Consider, first, a location 22 miles downwind from ground zero.首先考慮地面零點順風方向22哩的位置.He attempted to return downwind to the airfield.他試圖順風回到飛機場。...people who are living downwind of Nevada nuclear test sites.住在內(nèi)華達核試驗基地下風處的居民...