“水相”的拼音為:shuǐ xiàng...
我的毛衣縮水了。My sweater shrank in the wash.在熱水中洗毛織品會使其縮水.Washing wool in hot water will shrink it.這種肥皂會使毛織品縮水 嗎 ?Will this soap shrink woolen clothes?...
“水道”的英語可以翻譯為:water channel,channel,[穴位] Shuidao (S 28),waterway,aqueduct ...
小船迎風(fēng)航行,船體沿著水位線嚴(yán)重傾斜.The boat was pointing and leaning sharply along the water line.已發(fā)送項目文件夾的水位線文本框不能是空的.The Sent Items folder watermark box cannot be empty.“已發(fā)送郵件”文件夾高水位線不能等于零.The Sent Items folder high watermark cannot e...
“去水糖”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] anhydrosugar,anhydrous sugar ...
除了租救生衣,水上運動愛好者還應(yīng)該考慮租一套潛水服。Watersports enthusiasts should consider hiring a wetsuit as well as a lifejacket.我們蹲在水池旁,看著潛水者慢慢沉下水。We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down.這是我在撒丁島附近的沉船殘骸處潛水時所見的景象。Thi...
分子兼有親水的和疏水的兩個基團,叫做兩性的或兩親的.Molecules with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic groups are called amphipathic or amphiphilic.通常, 任何被水分子吸引的分子都稱為親水的 ( 喜水的 ).In general, any molecule that is attracted to water molecules is said t...
“水灣”的拼音為:shuǐ wān...
“水磨石”的英語可以翻譯為:waterstone,terrazzo ...
“水氣”的拼音為:shuǐ qì...
“排水”的拼音為:pái shuǐ...
水棲者稱蠑螈, 而陸棲者稱水蜥.Eft Aquatic species are called newts; terrestrial species are called efts....
“水泥板”的英語可以翻譯為:floor slab ...
魚撲通一聲又跳回水里.The fish gave a flop and landed back in the water.接著他又釣到一尾肥碩的梭子魚, 但是他還是把魚丟回水里.Next he caught a pike, but threw it back too.湯姆咬了他的手指,趁機跳回水里.Tom bit the man's finger and dropped back into the water....
黃水晶的價值很大程度上取決于其品質(zhì),但顏色也很重要.The value of a topaz is largely determined by its quality.玻璃鋸片: 適用于玻璃 、 玻璃燈飾 、 水晶的切割及開槽.直徑由:110~300.Glass sawing blades: Use for slotting or cutting to glass, lampshade, crystal etc. Dia 110 ~30...
“水面”的英語可以翻譯為:the surface of the water,table,surface,water ...
“澆水”的英語可以翻譯為:watering ...
他不聲不響地坐在那里,不斷撫摸著韃靼, 它由于獲得超常的愛撫而不淌口水.He sat silent still caressing Tartar , who slobbered with exceeding affection.這些狗看見新的狗食,都在淌口水.The dogs are drooling over that new dog meat.我一邊等著吃晚飯,一邊餓得直淌口水.My mouth watered as I waite...
“水熱”的英語可以翻譯為:hydrothermal ...
據(jù)說,那里遭受了一場大洪水的襲擊.It is said that there has been a big flood.Uta -Napishtim ( 巴比倫的諾亞 ) 是大洪水之前第十個巴比倫的國王.Uta - Napishtim ( Babylonian Noah ) was the tenth King of Babylon before the Flood.那年賓夕法尼亞州剛剛遭受了災(zāi)難性的大洪水.It was the yea...
“排水槽”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]drainage tray,waterspout ...
“水腹蛇”的英語可以翻譯為:cottonmouth ...
“口水”的英語可以翻譯為:slaver,saliva,slobber,dribble,sputa ...
“二水物”的拼音為:èr shuǐ wù...
這些說明通過對HAP粒子表面改性后,HAP水溶膠體系穩(wěn)定.This reflected the stability of HAP sol of surface modification....
“水生”的英語可以翻譯為:aquatic,[植] hydrophilous,hydrophily ...
“透水地”的英語可以翻譯為:dankly ...
“黃水晶”的拼音為:huáng shuǐ jīng...
“涉水者”的英語可以翻譯為:paddler ...