The first is the wholesaling and retailing enterprises present a U - shaped structure.首先,北京的批發(fā)、零售企業(yè)呈現(xiàn)U形結構.For the foreign - funded commercial enterprises that undertake wholesaling business.從事批發(fā)業(yè)務的外商投資商業(yè)企業(yè).Xingkai textil...
wholesome的近義詞/同義詞有:sound, salutary, beneficial, healthful, pure, sound, healthful, healthy, constitutional, salutary, beneficial。adj.wholesome的近義詞(有益健康的;有益的):sound, salutary, beneficial, healthful。wholesome的近義詞(其他釋義):pur...
Wholesaler's prominent reputation may result in positive carryover effects on allied'retailers.因此,直指消費者市場,塑造強勢形象,可能是批發(fā)商因應競爭環(huán)境所做的策略性突破.We're the largest furniture wholesaler in Illinois.我們是伊利諾伊州最大的家具批發(fā)商。Our...
I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.我可以全力支持他們的意見。I wholeheartedly approve of his actions.我由衷地贊成他的做法.As village head, he works wholeheartedly for the wellbeing of the villagers.作為一村之長, 他一心為村民謀福祉.That's exactly...
You may know by a handful the wholes sack.窺一斑而知全豹.Imagination, defined by Coleridge , is the vital faculty that creates new wholes out of disparate elements.想象是在全無聯(lián)系的各種元素上創(chuàng)立新型整體的一種超凡的官能....