作者姓名印在標(biāo)題頁上.The author's name is printed on the title page.標(biāo)題, 頁數(shù)包括扉頁 、 雙方的電話號和傳真號.The title, total pages including the cover page, and telephone and fax numbers of each party....
請嘗試“視圖”菜單中的“分頁預(yù)覽”命令.Try using the Page Break Preview command on the View menu.顯示書簽樹,可以直接開啟書簽于新分頁.Show bookmark tree and open bookmark in new tab.錯誤: 無法創(chuàng)建指定卷'%1'的分頁文件.ERROR: Paging file for the specified volume&...
“分頁”的英語可以翻譯為:paging,pagination ...
當(dāng)頁表變得非常大時,被分割的調(diào)頁是有用的.Segmented paging is helpful when the page table becomes very large.分割和調(diào)頁經(jīng)常被結(jié)合為了改善在彼此.Segmentation and paging are often combined to improve upon eachother....
我們必須找到從頁巖中采油的經(jīng)濟(jì)方法.We must find economical methods for extracting oil from shale.我們可以從頁巖中提取石油.We can extract oil from shale.這個地區(qū)的灰?guī)r 、 砂巖和頁巖都是很柔軟的.The limestone, sandstone and shale of this area were soft....
“扉頁”的拼音為:fēi yè...
檢查一下外觀,保證有扉頁和合適的版式。Check the presentation. Get it properly laid out with a title page.該書扉頁上的評論說她的詩歌可以引起讀者心靈的共鳴.The jacket flyleaf said her poems strike a responsive chord with readers.翻開那歲月中離去的泛黃扉頁, 我看到了命運那倉促的安排.Operatin...
“畫頁”的拼音為:huà yè...
宣傳折頁是PDF格式的。The leaflet is in PDF format.但由于折刀的往復(fù)運動, 造成折頁速度較慢 、 維修困難.However, as the SAF reciprocating motion, resulting in the hinge - slow, maintenance difficulties.定量較重和較輕的紙都必須采用較低的 折頁 速度.Quantitative heavy and lighte...
頁面模式可以顯示頁眉、頁腳、腳注和頁碼。Page Mode shows headers, footers, footnotes and page numbers.核心創(chuàng)意: 超大頁腳插手了更多個人信息而少了重要信息!Main Idea: Oversized Footers will feature less important, but more personal information.核心創(chuàng)意: 超大頁腳加入了更多個人信息而少了重要...
“調(diào)頁”的拼音為:tiáo yè...
“編頁碼”的英語可以翻譯為:pagination,folio ...
“翻書頁”的英語可以翻譯為:leaf,page ...