阿卡英語 /
院” [共找到116條結(jié)果]
“前院”的英語可以翻譯為:foreyard,forecourt,front courtyard,parvis,dooryard ...
“工學院”的英語可以翻譯為:engineering college,engineering institute ...
醫(yī)院對住院者很慷慨.The hospital was generous towards its inmates.數(shù)百人受傷,醫(yī)院里人滿為患.住院者包括幾名外國人.Hospitals are filled with as hundreds have been wounded are several foreigners among those hospitalized....
在議會每次會議開始時,他出席兩院的聯(lián)席會議.At the commencement of each session he addresses both Houses together.這一建議得到了參、眾兩院的批準.This proposal was approved by both the House and the Senate.中期 選舉選的是參、眾兩院的席位和州長.Mid - term election is the Senat...
我把自行車鎖在了吉日旅館的前院。I locked the bike in the forecourt of the Kirey Hotel.如果你坐在前院,就會被吵死,因為外面交通太混亂了。If you're sitting in the front yard, you can't hear yourself think because the traffic is getting very, very bad.阿奇...
“院”的英語可以翻譯為: courtyard,yard,a designation for certain government offices and public places,compound ...
教士受訓于神學院.Priests are trained at theological colleges.在學醫(yī)和進神學院之間我猶豫了很久.I vacillated for a long time between medicine and seminary.神學院放假后,你打算上哪去 呢 ?Where will you go when the seminary closes?...
“參議院”的拼音為:cān yì yuàn...
“院長的”的英語可以翻譯為:decanal,rectorial ...
“醫(yī)院”的拼音為:yī yuàn...
“養(yǎng)育院”的英語可以翻譯為:eadhouse,[醫(yī)] asylum ...
“法院的”的英語可以翻譯為:forensic,judiciary,juridic,juridical ...
“花院”的英語可以翻譯為:garth ...
“養(yǎng)老院”的英語可以翻譯為:eadhouse,[醫(yī)] geracomium,gerocomium,rest home,resthome ...
我本來就寧可去電影院看,而不是看錄像。I'd rather see it at the pictures than on video anyway.你要跟誰一起去電影院?Who're you going to the pictures with?電影院太冷了。The cinema was freezing....
“療養(yǎng)院”的英語可以翻譯為:sanatorium,convalescent hospital [home],vest home,nursing home,rest home...
“院士”的拼音為:yuàn shì...
她如愿進入敬老院并當上了出納.She hoped to enter homes for the elderly and when a cashier.入住敬老院的老人都不玩牌.The elderly do not to play cards.敬老院的增加跟大家觀念的改變有很大關(guān)系.The increase the elderly with you to change the concept of a great relationship...
現(xiàn)任校長薩朵夫尼奇院士.Currently hold the post ofNi Ji academician of president Sa Duofu.院士創(chuàng)業(yè)重在引導(dǎo),不可普及.It'should be guided and not popularized that the academicians an undertaking.楊芙清院士,1932年生于江蘇無錫, 1958年北京大學數(shù)學力學系研究生畢業(yè).Academi...
“電影院”的英語可以翻譯為:cinema,movie theate...
該國最高法院已推翻了下級法院的判決。The nation's highest court reversed the lower court's decision.然而,最高法院維持了地方法院的判決。The crown court, however, upheld the magistrate's decision.高等法院的法官a High Court judge...
他仍然坐在(大學)院長的辦公桌前,眼睛怒火直冒.He remained seated in front of the dean's desk glaring.你會恨上院長的清單和成為總冠軍!You hate making the Dean's list and being All - lvy!孫院長的可愛,還不止此.Nor is President Sun lovable for this reason alone....
“法院”的英語可以翻譯為:court of justice,law court,court,courthouse,judgement seat ...
他已進入寺院修行。He was drawn to the monastic life.早期的基督教徒們搗毀了許多羅馬寺院的神像.Early Christians smashed the gods of many Roman temples.大火過后, 寺院里的那些雄偉建筑已蕩然無存.After the fire, nothing remained of the magnificent buildings of the temple....
那種安份守己的平靜生活, 千篇一律的日常事物, 虛無 縹緲 的沉思冥想, 使她們成了隱修院外的修女.Leading a life of calm duty , constant routine, mystic reverie, -- made them a sort of nuns.隱修院院長神父, 暴跳如雷的副主教, 是什么惹得他們在頭腦里燃起怒火?Abbas father, furious dean, what offence la...
“寺院”的近義詞/同義詞:廟宇, 古剎。...
“法院”的拼音為:fǎ yuàn...
“瘋?cè)嗽骸钡挠⒄Z可以翻譯為:madhouse,bedlam,bughouse,loony bin,lunatic asylum...