用洗滌液可除去油漬。Grease marks can be removed with liquid detergent.洗滌說(shuō)明在標(biāo)簽上。The washing instructions are on the label.廚房洗滌槽中的水溢出流到地上.Water from the kitchen sink overflowed onto the floor....
“洗車房”的拼音為:xǐ chē fáng...
“洗黑錢”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:launder,[電影]Tiger Cage II...
每次用完洗發(fā)劑后都要用清水將頭發(fā)沖洗幾次。After shampooing, always rinse the hair several times in clear water.油性頭發(fā)洗發(fā)劑a shampoo for greasy hair供經(jīng)常洗發(fā)用的柔性洗發(fā)劑a gentle shampoo for frequent washing...
“洗礦槽”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:sluice box,wash box,strake,trough washer ...
“噴洗器”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:jetter ...
歷經(jīng)歲月淘洗,某些文章終成經(jīng)典。Time has winnowed out certain of the essays as superior.后來(lái), 在湖邊, 我把這塊巖石淘洗了一下.Later, by the lakeshore, I panned the rock.一部分陶俑的顏色經(jīng)過兩千多年的淘洗已然淡去.The depigmentation of some pottery man after 2,000 years later...
“洗耳器”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] aurilave ...
“洗碟盆”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:dishpan ...
“洗車處”的拼音為:xǐ chē chù...
“淘洗”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:elutriation,pan ...
“洗滌”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:wash,clean,[化] washing tank,cleanse,abstersion ...
抱歉我要去趟洗手間。I'm afraid I have to answer a call of nature.他走進(jìn)洗手間去洗漱。He headed to the bathroom to wash up.安妮特跑向洗手間,把自己鎖在里面。Annette ran and locked herself in the toilet....
大多數(shù)合成洗潔劑是粉狀的或“液體”的.Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid.洗潔劑Gain是最新一個(gè)突破10億美元關(guān)口的品牌.Gain , a detergent , is the latest to cross the $ 1 billion mark.這種洗潔劑易起泡沫.This detergent lathers easily....
特克斯: 這洗禮盆現(xiàn)在還用于洗禮 嗎 ?Tex: Is It'still used for christening?...
“洗出液”的拼音為:xǐ chū yè...
她穿一件剛剛漿洗熨燙過的白色襯衣。She wore a freshly laundered and starched white shirt.她也一起做些家務(wù)雜事,并自己洗熨衣服。She mucked in with the chores and did her own washing and ironing.我大部分衣物一般都在星期一洗熨.I usually do most of my washing and ironing on M...
“噴洗器”的拼音為:pēn xǐ qì...
“下洗”的拼音為:xià xǐ...
“洗澡”的近義詞/同義詞:沐浴, 洗浴, 洗沐, 沖涼。...
“洗滌器”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:syringe,[化] scrubber,washer,washing apparatus ...
“淘洗”的拼音為:táo xǐ...
他把軟管鋪展開來(lái),把它們徹底沖洗了一下。He uncoiled the hose and gave them a thorough drenching.每次用完洗發(fā)劑后都要用清水將頭發(fā)沖洗幾次。After shampooing, always rinse the hair several times in clear water.用冷水沖洗它們以清除所有的沙子。Wash them in cold water to remove all ...
“洗車房”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:carwash ...
“洗衣板”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:washboard,scrubboard ...
氣體先在洗滌器內(nèi)濕潤(rùn).The gas is first humidified in a scrubber.將洗滌器的一面涂上安息香并將它貼到皮膚上.Paint one side of washer with benzoin and apply this side to skin.采用凈化劑并不能排除設(shè)置排氣風(fēng)扇和空氣洗滌器.Detergent use will not eliminate a possible need for exha...
這種洗液應(yīng)均勻地涂在皮膚上.The lotion should be applied sparingly to the skin.酸洗液通常是一種含酸的水溶液,裝在敞開的大槽中.Pickle generally is water - acid solution that is stored in large open tank.植物類洗液只能去污或抑菌, 解決不了根本問題.Plant decontamination or antibac...