“擊水音”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] bruit de clapotement,splashing sound ...
一所灰泥剝落、屋頂漏水的老房子an old house with crumbling plaster and a leaking roof屋頂上的雨水從一條漏水的管子中流出來(lái).Rain from the roof goes down a long spout.如果船板接縫漏水就一定要填補(bǔ)好.The seams of the boat must be filled in if they leak....
水彩畫(huà)似乎仍比油畫(huà)略遜一籌。Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.展覽陳列了50幅油畫(huà)和水彩畫(huà)。The exhibition comprises 50 oils and watercolours.你喜歡油畫(huà)還是喜歡水彩畫(huà)?Do you like oil painting or water colour?...
“灌水法”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:douche ...
“親水”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:water loving,hydrophile ...
“灑水”的拼音為:sǎ shuǐ...
“高水平”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:high tone ...
“淡水”的拼音為:dàn shuǐ...
“水耕法”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:water culture,water tillage,hydroponics ...
“水解”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:hydrolyze,[化] hydrolysis,hydrolyze ...
“薪水”的拼音為:xīn shuǐ...
“蓄水池”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:[化] impounding reservoir,[醫(yī)] impounding water reservoir ...
每次用完洗發(fā)劑后都要用清水將頭發(fā)沖洗幾次。After shampooing, always rinse the hair several times in clear water.她用清水涮了杯子。She swilled the glasses with clean water.用清水沖洗汽車(chē).Swill the car with clear water....
“水落管”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:waterspout,downpipe,downcomer,downspout,fall-pipe ...
“水田芥”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] Nasturtium officinale Br.,cress ...
“泄水”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:weepage,[水] sluicing ...
“防水布”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:epellent,[化] waterproof cloth,tarp ...
“水成”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:aqueous,hydrogenic,hydatogenic,neptunian ...
我們聽(tīng)到人們的擊水聲和跳水聲.We heard the slap and plunge of people in the water....
疏水閥的流向要與管路流向一致.Steam trap flow direction in accordance with that of the pipe line.疏水閥是如何知道何時(shí)開(kāi)啟何時(shí)關(guān)閉?How does the steam trap know when to open and close?圓盤(pán)式疏水閥適用于高壓差的蒸汽主管線,蒸汽管網(wǎng)的阻汽疏水.Disk type steam traps are for high press...
“水能”的拼音為:shuǐ néng...
鹽堿地和泥灘吸引了大量水鳥(niǎo)。The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.許多水鳥(niǎo)在島上棲息.A great number of water fowls dwell on the island.池塘上有一群水鳥(niǎo).There is a flock of waterfowls on the pond....
“水柱”的拼音為:shuǐ zhù...
在拿吃的之前,用熱肥皂水把手好好地洗干凈。Wash your hands thoroughly with hot soapy water before handling any food.發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)艙里的水由一條軟管抽走。Water in the engine compartment is sucked away by a hose.水煮沸5分鐘便可得到凈化。Water can be purified by boiling for five...
“水瘡病”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:hydroa ...
“水庫(kù)”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:eservoir ...
她將羽毛筆在墨水里蘸了一下,隨后開(kāi)始書(shū)寫(xiě)。She dipped a quill in ink, then began to write.一滴墨水a(chǎn) blob of ink用墨水寫(xiě)的written in ink...
“雨水池”的英語(yǔ)可以翻譯為:ghilgai ...