“安德森”的英語可以翻譯為:[人名] Andersson,[人名] Andson ...
信奉路德教的諸侯已經(jīng)得了他們宗教信仰自由的保證.The Lutheran princes were guaranteed the free exercise of their religion....
“維爾德”的英語可以翻譯為:[人名] Velde ...
那個男人蹲在那輛梅塞德斯車后。The man was crouched behind the Mercedes.我最后決定買一輛梅塞德斯客貨兩用車。I finally settled on a Mercedes estate.他當時駕駛著一輛梅塞德斯賽車以每小時100英里時速度飛馳,險些出事。He was driving a Mercedes racer at 100 mph and almost came to grief....
“文德爾”的英語可以翻譯為:[地名] [美國] Wendel ...
他們正用德語交談,這是他們唯一的共同語言。They were conversing in German, their only common language.蘇姍和那個女孩還在用德語聊個沒完。Susan and the girl were still nattering away in German.這位官員用結結巴巴的德語作答。The officer replied in halting German....
喂,你好。你一定是西德尼吧。Oh, hi there. You must be Sidney.“ 好了, 好了, 巴薩 先生, ”西德尼叫道, “ 別忘恩負義了.'Come, come , Mr. Barsad!'exclaimed Sydney.'Don't be ungrateful.西德尼喝下一大杯自己調的五味酒, 笑了.Sydney drank a bumper of the punch ...
“德西蕾”的英語可以翻譯為:[人名] Desiree ...
到第三圈時,金基德的車速達到了每小時289英里。By the third lap Kinkead had touched 289 m.p.h.在國際影壇獲獎最多的韓國導演金基德.South Korean director Kinkead who wins an award most in the international circle....
“頌德文”的英語可以翻譯為:eulogy,eulogia ...
德國人對布什2005年二月與 格哈德·施羅德 在美因茨的會晤依舊歷歷在目.Germans still recall vividly George Bush's meeting with Gerhard Schr & ouml ; der in Mainz in February 2005....
我對肯德爾及其公司的忠誠加深了。My allegiance to Kendall and his company ran deep.“這是我整個職業(yè)生涯中夢寐以求的,”肯德爾欣喜地說。"This is what I've longed for during my entire career," Kendall exulted.“只要是你能告訴我的,我都會洗耳恭聽,”肯德爾說。"I should like to know any...
埃德娜·斯溫森把他推進了起居室。Edna Swinson nudged him into the sitting room.并不是因為我不喜歡埃德娜伯母.It's not that I didn't like Aunt Edna.柯林: 生活當中并不只是錢,埃德娜.還要想想名望!Colin: Life is not just about money though Edna - think of the fame!...
多么缺德的行為!What a foul action it was!就象古時候那樣,現(xiàn)在還有個缺德的男爵,多有意思?Isn't it nice to have a wicked Baron just as in olden times?這是個聰明的念頭, 不過也是個缺德的法子. ”It was a clever idea, but a very wicked one....
“公德心”的英語可以翻譯為:public spirit,civism ...
桑德拉決心成為醫(yī)生,她的堅持取得了成功。Sandra was determined to become a doctor and her persistence paid off.圖利奧已為桑德拉做了11年的模特兒。Tullio has been modelling for Sandra for eleven years.“你為什么不借用你姐姐的車呢?”卡桑德拉生硬地說道。"Why don't you borrow your ...
考爾德先生想離開商店,但是那位警員攔住了他。Mr Calder tried to leave the shop but the police officer blocked his path....
“麥德林”的英語可以翻譯為:[地名] [菲律賓] Medellin ...
“紹森德”的英語可以翻譯為:[地名] [加拿大、英國] Southend ...
巴特曼先生品德高尚。Mr Bartman was a man of good character.品德高尚而有頭腦的男人a man of honour and good sense我可以作證,此人誠實可靠,品德良好.I can testify to this man's veracity and good character....
“亨德森”的英語可以翻譯為:Henderson [蘇格蘭人姓氏] 取自父名,來源于Hendry,教名&L[Henry]的蘇格蘭語變體 ...
關于德莫特的消息讓我很擔心。The news about Dermot had unnerved me.他和德莫特·里夫幾乎把獲勝的最后一把努力徹底搞砸了。He and Dermott Reeve almost made a complete pig's ear of the final push for victory.德莫特加入了她的行列,眼睛盯著舞池,手指在桌子上敲著節(jié)拍。Dermot joined her, his e...
基爾德坎英國舊時容量單位,相當于約18加倫 ( 68升 )An obsolete English measure of capacity equal to about 18 gallons ( 68 liters ).基爾德總結出了一套自己的推銷方法.Jierde has summed up out a set of self sale promotion method....
“考爾德”的英語可以翻譯為:[人名] Cauldor ...
“萊爾德”的英語可以翻譯為:Laird [男子名] [蘇格蘭人、北愛爾蘭人姓氏] 可能是身份名稱,來源于北方中世紀英語,含義是“地主”(landed proprietor) ...
“欣德朗”的英語可以翻譯為:[地名] [德國] Hindelang ...
“德弗魯”的英語可以翻譯為:[地名] [美國] Devereux ...
“恐德癥”的英語可以翻譯為:Germanophobia ...
“加德納”的英語可以翻譯為:Gardener [英格蘭人姓氏] 職業(yè)名稱,來源于中世紀英語及古北方法語,含義是“菜園,果園”+er,通常指經(jīng)營果園或菜園者 ,Gardiner [英格蘭人姓氏] &L[Gardener]的變體 ,Gardner [英格蘭人姓氏] &L[Gardener]的變體 ...
古德曼先生,那個問題你怎么看?Mr Goodman, do you have any thoughts on that?彭德古德把旅行拖車里的沙子鏟了出來。Pendergood had shovelled the sand out of the caravan.他聽了一整夜古德斯通的夸夸其談.He had been listening to Goldstone's rantings all night....