“平?!钡钠匆魹椋簆íng cháng...
聽每個人的抱怨肯定非常地郁悶。It must be really depressing listening to everybody's whinges.有那么幾個月,股票價格一直非常地穩(wěn)定。For some months the share price remained fairly static.該項歷史研究非常地認真、徹底。The historical research was impressively diligent...
“常常”的近義詞/同義詞:經(jīng)常, 時常, 時時, 每每, 通常, 往往, 不時, 頻頻, 一再, 屢屢。...
“超常的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] hypernormal,supernormal,transnormal ...
“時常”的反義詞:偶爾, 一時, 偶然。...
“異常性”的拼音為:yì cháng xìng...
“反常”的英語可以翻譯為:unusual,abnormal,abnormality,anomaly,deregulation ...
然而, 火箭科學(xué)家也會像平常人一樣遇到些問題.Rocket scientists, however, can have problems just like everyone else.房子的價格已經(jīng)嚴重偏離了平常人的收入水平.The price of housing has deviated the income level of many common people seriously.他能像平常人一樣與人交朋友,與人聊天.He c...
“常量”的拼音為:cháng liàng...
松樹 、 雪松、云杉都是常綠的樹.The pine, cedar and spruce are evergreens.他是一棵常綠的松樹.It is a pine tree which is an evergreen tree.冬青是一種常綠的灌木,葉深綠狹長, 冬天結(jié)紅色漿果.The holly is an evergreen shrub with darkgreen sharp - pointed leaves and, in wi...
與通常的看法相反,適度的運動事實上會降低食欲。Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.他們遵循通常的程序.They followed the usual procedure.通常的建筑材料是木材.The usual fabric was timber....
“常春藤”的英語可以翻譯為:[植] ivy,Chinese ivy,Hedera Helix,bindwood ...
“常衡”的拼音為:cháng héng...
他仍然盡可能經(jīng)常地參加賽車比賽。He still raced sports cars as often as he could.她應(yīng)該更經(jīng)常地剃剃汗毛, 不過好像也沒什么意思.She should shave more often, but there didn't seem much point to it.他的爸爸還經(jīng)常地對他的男孩子們踢打, 甚至推打撞墻.Joseph also trip up, or push his ...
喜歡的一句話:好好地活過,時常地笑過, 深深地愛過的人是個成功者.The man a success who has lived well, laghted often and loved much....
“異常性”的英語可以翻譯為:anomalism,abnormality ...