他以做裁縫為業(yè).He established himeself as a tailor....
我們需要采取的其他行動可能會更加困難,我們將不得不逐步做準(zhǔn)備。Other actions we need to take may be more difficult, and we may have to build up to them gradually.我們必須逐步做每件事.We must do everything step by step....
今晚我做完的時候剛過7點。It was just gone 7 o'clock this evening when I finished.我一做完那件事就對自己感到十分厭惡。Immediately I've done it I feel completely disgusted with myself.把我的工作做完!老天!好像它真的很重要似的。Getting my work done! My God! As if ...
這枚戒指是為她訂做的。The ring was specially made for her.多比思慮體貼而且為哈利量身訂做的禮物,與哈利和羅恩在最后一秒才抓出來的東西是最好的對比.Contrast Dobby's thoughtful, personalised gift with Harry and Ron's last - second thought.你當(dāng)穿戴上帝為你量身訂做的全副軍裝.You should ...
他做事悶聲不響,小心謹(jǐn)慎,有點死氣沉沉的。He was quiet, conscientious, a bit of a plodder.科恩被人們認(rèn)為做事太不計后果。The rap against Conn was that he was far too reckless.主管叫我到樓下。他做事干練、務(wù)實。The Chief summoned me downstairs. He was brisk and businesslike....
小丑向孩子們做鬼臉.The clown grimaced at the children.她做鬼臉.She made a wry face.那雜技藝人在馬戲表演時對孩子們做鬼臉.The acrobat grimaced at the children during the circus performance....
“定做的”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] custom-designed,customized,custom-built,custom-made,made-to-order ...
他突然勃發(fā)做某事的念頭.He was seized with a sudden idea to do sth.超越職權(quán)范圍做某事(越權(quán))Go beyond one's duty in doing sth.收回: 同意做某事后又反悔.Back - out: when you agree to do something and then change you mind....
不要指望能說服他放棄做那件事.Never expect to persuade him out of doing that.放棄做某事.Back down from doing sth.她不幸患上子宮癌,不得不放棄做媽媽的想法.Unfortunately, she had uterus cancer and had to give up the idea of having children....
“又叫做”的英語可以翻譯為:also known as,otherwise known as...
“重做”的拼音為:chóng zuò...
“看做”的拼音為:kàn zuò...
“做錯”的英語可以翻譯為:lunder,err,misdo,put one's foot in one's mouth ...
他們最終選擇了繼續(xù)做自己熟悉的事。They prefer, in the end, to stick with what they know.別抱怨了,繼續(xù)做吧。Stop whingeing and get on with it.他們請求他回來繼續(xù)做當(dāng)日買賣股票的投機(jī)交易。They asked that he return to day trading....
人到危急時,平時所不屑做的也要做;急不 暇 擇,饑不擇食.Scornful [ Hungry ] dogs will eat dirty puddings....
“做決定”的英語可以翻譯為:make a decision...
他靠做零工及在田中里從事需要彎腰的工作來養(yǎng)活自己及家人.He supports himself and his family by odd jobs and stoop labor in the fields.但我做零工只是想積累一點工作經(jīng)歷.But I want to do some odd jobs. I just want to get some work experience.大衛(wèi)在找到固定工作以前做零工.David work ...
“做完”的英語可以翻譯為:get through,have done with ...
年去新奧爾良, 后在密西西比河做舵手.In 1856, he went to the New Orleans, and worked as a helmsman in the Mississippi River....
“做凹口”的英語可以翻譯為:notching ...
他做手勢要我安靜.He signed to me to be quiet.警察做手勢叫他們停住.The policeman signed ( for ) them to stop.我們正橫穿馬路時, 警察做手勢叫我們停住.While we were crossing the street, the policeman signed for us to stop....
“做成的”的英語可以翻譯為:wrought ...
“做出”的英語可以翻譯為:make with,to issue,to put out...
“做廣告”的英語可以翻譯為:advertising,advertise,advertisement,advertize ...
“做蠢事”的英語可以翻譯為:loop ...
她舉止做作,神情倨傲。She had an affected air and a disdainful look.她抨擊同事“言辭浮夸做作”。She attacked her colleagues for indulging in "grandiose and grandiloquent language".她這個人才氣逼人,可是絕對忠誠可靠,而且毫不做作,有人情味和寬容心。She was caustically brilliant, ...
校園里和社區(qū)里有配偶可做的工作.Jobs are available for spouses on campus and in the community.今日可做的事不要拖到明天.Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today.很多可看的地方,很多可做的事情, 而且我喜歡那里的食物.Lots to see and do, plus – I liked the food....
今天你幫哪個最有名的明星做宣傳 呢 ?Who's the most famous person you publicized today?他購買了一家廣播電臺,然后利用空閑的廣告牌為電臺做宣傳.Purchasing a radio station and using empty billboards to advertise it.與終端用戶 、 要的OEM廠商及設(shè)計院聯(lián)系,為公司產(chǎn)品做宣傳.Contact with end ...
洗頭然后做發(fā).A shampoo and set, please.我以前做發(fā)賣經(jīng)理.I used as a sale's manager.但是這就是 一貫 的做發(fā),如果有人能在這樣的情況下比好, 那就是休伊特了.But it's just the way it goes . If anybody can handle it , it's Lleyton....