
阿卡英語 / 查找:spa” [共找到890條結(jié)果]
  • gaspar的意思

  • disparlure的意思?

  • disparagingly怎么讀?

  • feldspar造句

    Industry: petroleum, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, feldspar, bauxite, uranium, gold.工業(yè): 原油, 鉆石, 鐵礦, 磷酸鹽, 長石礦, 鋁氧石, 鈾, 黃金.Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups.翡翠由輝石族 、 角閃石族、長石族礦物組...
  • aerospace造句

    The financial concessions granted to British Aerospace were, he said, of a precarious character.他說,向英國宇航公司給予財政優(yōu)惠未獲證實。aerospace research航空航天研究But two long - running industrial sagas, in energy and aerospace, still provoke...
  • dispassionate例句

    We, as prosecutors, try to be dispassionate about the cases we bring.作為檢察官,我們對經(jīng)手的案件會盡力做到不偏不倚。taking a calm, dispassionate view of the situation以冷靜、客觀公正的觀點看待形勢One should look at executive bonus with a slightly dispassiona...
  • spasmodic造句

    My husband's work was so spasmodic.我丈夫的工作總是時忙時閑。a spasmodic fault on our TV我們電視機間歇性的毛病There was spasmodic fighting in the area yesterday.昨天,那一地區(qū)發(fā)生過零星的戰(zhàn)斗。Absolute, broken by and spasmodic, and, as in extrapyramidal a...
  • newspapermen造句

    High officials have long enjoyed the practice of hobnobbing with newspapermen.高級官員向來就喜歡和新聞記者交談.Some newspapermen respected too many sacred cows.有些新聞記者對太多的事情碰都不敢碰。He whispered my name to newspapermen, know-ing that it wou...
  • newspaper造句

    I wrapped the ice cream in three thicknesses of newspaper to keep it cool.我用三層報紙包裹冰淇淋使其不致變熱融化.Not for circulation: newspaper, periodical, reference book, cyclopaedia , CD - ROM and video cassette recorder.不提供外借的資料: 報紙 、 ...
  • vasospasm什么意思解釋

  • sparkle的近義詞/同義詞

    sparkle的近義詞/同義詞有:twinkle, shimmer, shine, glitter, flash, glisten, glimmer, twinkle, glimmer, glory, radiate, vigor, luster, flash, blink, gleam, shimmer, kick, glitter, glisten, shine, inspiration。vt.sparkle的近義詞(發(fā)光;閃耀):...
  • despaired造句

    The doctor knew that the wounded soldier's life was despaired of.醫(yī)生知道那傷兵的生命已經(jīng)無望.Most scientists despaired of ever knowing the physical nature of the stars.大多數(shù)科學對了解恒星的物理性質(zhì)失去了信心.She stood at the corner of Main Street ...
  • sparking造句

    S . interior , sparking safety advisories from federal officials , slowing barge traffic and tightening exportable grain supplies.駁船運輸開始放慢,可供出口的糧食貨源開始緊張.A capacitor is used to eliminate sparking when a circuit containing...
  • spaniards造句

    Spaniards are worried about German investors deserting Spain for Eastern Europe.西班牙人擔心德國投資者放棄西班牙而轉(zhuǎn)向東歐。Juanito scored for the Spaniards with only two minutes left, but the Romanians held on.華尼托在僅剩兩分鐘時為西班牙隊進了一球,但羅馬尼亞隊將優(yōu)勢保持...
  • space out是什么意思

  • sparrow造句

    Now it is clearing up, and a sparrow is beginning to chirp.現(xiàn)在天就要晴了, 一只麻雀已開始喳喳地叫.The sparrow crossed the lawn in a series of hops.那麻雀一蹦一跳地穿過草坪.Better work as hard as an ant than lead a parasitic life as a sparrow.寧做螞蟻腿,不做...
  • trespass怎么讀?

    trespass的音標:trespass的英式發(fā)音音標為:['tresp?s]trespass的美式發(fā)音音標為:['tr?sp?s, -?p?s]...
  • interspaced什么意思解釋

    v.留…的間隔,留空隙,占據(jù)…之間( interspace的過去式和過去分詞 )...
  • disparaging造句

    He was critical of the people, disparaging of their crude manners.他對那些人很有看法,看不起他們粗俗的舉止。The Minister was alleged to have made disparaging remarks about the rest of the Cabinet.據(jù)說這位部長發(fā)表了一些貶低其他內(nèi)閣成員的言論。Halliday's commen...
  • sparsely造句

    Relative to the size,the city is sparsely populated.與其面積相比,這個城市的人口是稀少的。Plants sparsely scabrous; ultimate leaf segments irregularly serrate or dentate.裝置疏生粗糙; 不規(guī)則的末級的葉裂片有鋸齒或具牙齒.We took tea by lamplight in his sparsely fu...
  • aspartate造句

    Aspartate is readily converted to asparagine.天門冬氨酸易于轉(zhuǎn)變成天門冬酰胺.And in ischemia 12 h the activity of alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ) and aspartate aminotransferase ( AST ) were also increased significantly.以血清谷丙轉(zhuǎn)氨酶(alanine...
  • dispatcher怎么讀

  • trespassers造句

    Trespassers will be prosecuted.閑人免進,違者必究.They sang their sweet fierce music threatening trespassers.它們唱起了威脅入侵者的兇猛悅耳的歌.Trespassers will be prosecuted, eg on a notice.閑人莫入,違者必究(告示用語)....
  • backspace的第三人稱單數(shù)怎么寫

  • newspaper的近義詞/同義詞

    newspaper的近義詞/同義詞有:gazette, publication, monthly, paper, organ, journal, scandal, chronicle, sheet, biweekly, news, tabloid, daily, quarterly, rag, weekly。n.newspaper的近義詞(報紙):gazette, publication, monthly, paper, organ, ...
  • Kasparov造句

    Kasparov became the youngest world title-holder at 22.卡斯帕羅夫22歲時成為最年輕的世界冠軍。...an incident which particularly affronted Kasparov.讓卡斯帕羅夫感到特別受辱的一件事Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves.僅僅用了幾部棋,卡斯帕羅夫就把對方將死了....
  • sparkling例句

    He is sparkling and versatile in front of the camera.鏡頭前的他光彩照人,多才多藝。If you can't run to champagne, buy sparkling wine.如果買不起香檳酒,就買汽酒好了。Sparkling wine can also put you in the party spirit.汽酒還可以提高玩樂的興致。...
  • spaceship造句

    The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship would reach the Jupiter.那位科學家沒有算出那艘宇宙飛船什么時候會到達木星。The spaceship is already being counted down.宇宙飛船已開始倒數(shù)計時了.The spaceship will soon be launched, the people at control ha...
  • spanking造句

    ...a spanking new Mercedes...嶄新的梅賽德斯車" You say any more nonsense ,'said Hung - chien , gesturing at him , " and I'll give you a spanking. "鴻 漸 作勢道: “ 你再胡說, 我打你. ”very proud of their spanking new kitchen非常得意于他們嶄...
  • spare part造句

    I've been trying to raise this spare part everywhere.我一直在到處尋找,想弄到這種備件.Responsible for spare part order and the quality inspection of reconstructive engineering.負責所轄設備備件的申報和工程改造的質(zhì)量驗收.Experience in equipment maintenan...