This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London.這一決定會給東倫敦的經濟復蘇帶來新的推動力。This decision will give renewed impetus to the economic regeneration of east London...這一決定會給東倫敦的經濟復蘇帶來新的推動力。The tr...
rudiment的近義詞/同義詞有:groundwork, basis, foundation, origin, beginning, seed, basis, seed, groundwork, foundation, origin, constituent, beginning。n.rudiment的近義詞(基本;初步):groundwork, basis, foundation, origin, beginning, seed。r...
aimless的近義詞/同義詞有:inconstant, desultory, irresolute, unsteady, variable, vacillating, unsure, fitful, indecisive, changeable, wayward, unreasoning, unpredictable, undecided, erratic, mutable, irregular, haphazard, acciden...
Everything impermanent as change is the only constant in nature.凡事變幻無常,唯一不變的自然定律就是“變”!We are reminded just how small and how impermanent we are.它讓我們意識到我們有多么渺小,我們的生命是何其短暫。The world is in continuous flux and is impermanent...
The two writers are not dissimilar in style.那兩位作家的文風并沒有什么不同。It would be difficult to find two men who were more dissimilar...很難找到彼此間差異更大的人了。This kind of love dissimilar - - a little awes with the general affection, a lit...
n.臭蟲屬昆蟲,臭蟲( cimex的名詞復數(shù) )...
Jim's plan seemed hopeless, but he brought it off.吉姆的計劃看起來沒希望實現(xiàn), 但是他成功了。She told the police that Jim was with her when the burglary happened, so that put him in the clear.她告訴警方行竊案發(fā)生時吉姆與她在一起,以證明吉姆的清白。Jim worships Mar...
Inhibiting the dimerization of RAF may therefore block its activation, thus stopping cancer cells from growing.抑制RAF二聚物因此可能阻止其激活, 從而阻止癌細胞的生長.S - PPESK showed high catalytic activity and excellent dimerization selectivity...
She implored him to stay.她懇求他留下。He implored forgiveness for what he had done.他乞求寬恕他過去所做的事。Hung - chien limply implored Miss Su not to see him home.鴻 漸 有氣無力地懇請?zhí)K小姐別送自己.'Tell me what to do!' she implored him.她哀求他說...
It is not necessary to complicate the case by implicating so many people.沒必要牽涉那么多人使案情復雜化.He was in the public dock, confessing everything, implicating everybody.他站在被告席上, 什么都招認, 什么人都咬.Allegations had appeared in the press...
impair的近義詞/同義詞有:damage, make, harm, hurt, break, worse, weaken, scotch, prejudice, spoil, break, damage, hurt, harm, weaken, injure。vt.impair的近義詞(損害;受損):damage, make, harm, hurt, break, worse, weaken。impair的近義詞(其他釋義):sco...
eliminate的近義詞/同義詞有:of, throw, reject, remove, exclude, discard, rid, out, get, dispose, exterminate, empty, eradicate, expel, remove, exclude, out, comb, get, throw, discard, reject, secrete, eject, dispose, clear, murde...
Frank Bridge , the village constable , was severely reprimanding the two culprits.村上的警察弗蘭克·布里奇當時正在嚴厲地斥責那兩個干壞事的人.Hung - chien said, " It's not just a question of reprimanding the students.鴻 漸 道: “ 這倒不是懲戒學生的問題....
This ruler has only one scale in centimeters.這把尺只有厘米刻度.Iron out waist fat for one - time as high as 3 centimeters, and astringe skin above 67 %.快捷的平脂效果, 一次性 燙平腰圍脂肪,最高可達3厘米, 收緊67%以上.Tubby body obesity, forehead, head ceph...
The president has accepted a diminution of the powers he originally wanted.總統(tǒng)已經接受了對自己原本要求的權力進行削減。He experienced no diminution of his physical strength.他并未感覺體力衰落.Age brought a gradual diminution of his strength and energy...