
阿卡英語 / 查找:ation” [共找到7685條結果]
  • designation例句

    The district is under consideration for designation as a conservation area.正在考慮將這個地區(qū)指定為保護區(qū)。The women's liberation movement adopted the designation as its own.婦女解放運動采用了這個稱呼.The president is responsible for the design...
  • endoauscultation的意思

    [醫(yī)] 內聽診(胃)...
  • communications造句

    ASCOM , Power Line Modem and Routers, power line communications based broadband networking.亞斯康, 電力線調制解調器和路由器, 電力線寬帶通信基礎網(wǎng)絡.Avionics are comprised of several major subsystems including cockpit displays, communications equi...
  • cation造句

    A spokesman said: "We have no comment regarding the publi-cation of these photographs."一位發(fā)言人說,“對于這些照片的公之于眾,我們不予置評。”Cation exchange capacity generally increases with an increase in broken bonds.通常陽離子交換量隨破裂增加而增大.An increas...
  • indemnification怎么讀

  • mortification怎么讀?

  • recantation怎么讀?

  • vibrations怎么讀?

  • humiliation的音標

  • nationalize造句

    In 1987, Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru's banking and financial systems...1987年,加西亞立法將秘魯銀行業(yè)和金融系統(tǒng)收歸國有。The Cabinet decided to nationalize the three British airlines.內閣決定把這三家英國航空公司收歸國有.They can close...
  • inflations的音標

  • enucleation造句

    Methods: The hydroxyapatite eye socket in 15 patients after enucleation of eyeball.方法: 采用羥基磷灰石義眼臺做為眼球摘除術后眼窩成形的填充物,觀察15例成形效果.Retinoblastoma with massive tumor necrosis was proved by pathology after enucleation.左眼眼球摘除后之病理報...
  • ation的意思?

  • incubation造句

    Fermented milk has distinct flavors and aromas, depending on incubation conditions and the microbial inocula used.發(fā)酵乳制品具有與眾不同的風味與香氣, 這主要取決于微生物的培養(yǎng)條件及所使用的接種方法.The four stages of creative thought are preparation, incubation...
  • flotation例句

    Flotation is used for Florida and Kola rock.浮選操作法用于佛羅里達磷礦和科拉磷礦.Flotation is a process for separating low density solids or liquid particles from a liquid phase.浮選是從液體中分離出低密度固體物或液態(tài)顆粒.Expounds liquid level control system o...
  • innovation的意思?

  • microcrystallization什么意思解釋

  • fragmentation例句

    Litter breakdown or fragmentation is due to the litter fauna.落葉層粉碎的原因在于落葉層的動物相.For Tallis, this period in the apartment was a time of increasing fragmentation.對塔利斯來說, 在公寓里的這些日子是心智愈來愈錯亂的一段時光.If the rock is homogeneous, th...
  • diathermocoagulation的意思

  • experimentations什么意思?

    n.實驗,實驗的方法( experimentation的名詞復數(shù) )...
  • compilations怎么讀

  • geoexploration的音標?

  • irradiation造句

    The characteristics of construction safety, economy and irradiation utilization of DPR - 3 heating reactor ( Deep Pool Reactor ) are introduced.簡介深水池3型 ( DPR - 3 ) 供熱堆的結構特點、安全性 、 經濟性及輻照應用.Early lesions can be successfull...
  • horripilation是什么意思

  • propagation是什么意思?

  • excitation造句

    With 38 kv, 35 microamp miniature X - ray tube excitation source.配備38千伏, 35微安的微型 X 射線管激發(fā)源.The excitation source was a flashlamp pumped Rhodamine tunable dye laser.激發(fā)源為閃光燈泵可調諧若丹明染科激光器.At room temperature, thermal excitati...
  • nomination造句

    She won an Oscar nomination for best supporting actress.她獲得奧斯卡獎最佳女配角的提名.A registered elector is entitled to subscribe only ONE nomination form.每一位登記選民只可簽署一份提名表格....his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination...
  • extenuation例句

    Miss Glover could allow no extenuation of her crime.格洛弗小姐是不允許袒護罪過的.It was a comfort to him, this extenuation.這借口對他是種安慰.He pleaded circumstances in extenuation of his guilt.他請求酌情減輕他的罪....
  • orientation造句

    Industrial orientation: Oil refining fine chemical industry engineering plastics synthetic rubber.產業(yè)定位煉油、乙烯、精細化工、工程塑料、合成橡膠.Macro - defect - free cements have become an important orientation of high performance cementitio...
  • communication什么意思?
