
阿卡英語 / 查找:spa” [共找到890條結果]
  • asparagine造句

    The amide nitrogen of glutamine or asparagine functions more effectively than ammonia.谷酰胺或天門冬酰胺的酰胺氮作用較氨更有效.Aspartate is readily converted to asparagine.天門冬氨酸易于轉變成天門冬酰胺.The reaction product derived from D fructose and L a...
  • jaspagate什么意思解釋

  • cynospasmus的意思?

  • dispareunia的意思

  • trespass造句

    They began to organize a mass trespass.他們開始組織大規(guī)模的侵犯.It is a trespass offering : he hath certainly trespassed against the LORD.這是贖愆祭,因他在耶和華面前實在有了罪.Don't trespass onto my property,'the neighbor shouted combativel...
  • backspacing什么意思

    v.退格( backspace的現(xiàn)在分詞 )...
  • space造句

    Space flight to other galaxies becomes more cogitable.到其他星系做太空飛行是可想象的.His long legs bent up in the confined space.他的兩條長腿蜷在狹小的空間里。Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms...大型油畫可以增加小房間的寬敞感。In 1957, ...
  • sparking是什么意思

  • trespassers的音標

  • cyberspace例句

    She travels in cyberspace by sending messages to friends around the world.她利用電子空間給世界各地的朋友們發(fā)送信件.On the one hand there are the proliferating net neo - logisms - e - mail, emoticons, cyberspace and so on.一方面, 網(wǎng)絡新詞正在激增:比如電子郵...
  • spatting的音標?

  • spaced造句

    His voice was angry and he spaced the words for emphasis.他的聲音里透著憤怒,為了強調(diào),他一字一頓。Its houses are large, well-spaced and surrounded by gardens.其房子很大、間距適當,周圍全是花園。He's got this spaced-out look.他一副吸毒之后的迷幻模樣。...
  • spanked例句

    We spanked along in his new car.我們坐在他的新車里兜風.The nurse spanked the naughty child.保育員打了一下那個淘氣的孩子的屁股.Mother spanked her for being naughty.媽媽因為她調(diào)皮打她屁股....
  • spat的現(xiàn)在進行時怎么拼寫

  • aerospaces的音標

  • sparingly造句

    Maltose is used sparingly as a mild sweetener for foods.麥芽糖可以作為食品中溫和的甜味劑而少量使用.The lotion should be applied sparingly to the skin.這種洗液應均勻地涂在皮膚上。Apply the insecticide sparingly.慎用殺蟲劑。Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or...
  • spawning造句

    the spawning season.產(chǎn)卵期Soon after spawning, the adult Pacific salmon will expire.產(chǎn)卵之后, 大馬哈魚很快也就壽終正寢了.Yacht and plane makers see Chinas rising wealth spawning a class of weekend aviators and sailors.游艇和飛機制造商看到中國不斷積聚的財富造就了...
  • transparency的音標

    transparency的音標:transparency的英式發(fā)音音標為:[tr?ns'p?r?nsi]transparency的美式發(fā)音音標為:[tr?ns'p?r?nsi, -'p?r-]...
  • Disparmone怎么讀?

  • spares造句

    He that spares the bad injures the good.饒恕壞人便是傷害好人。Camshafts, Rockerarm, Rocker Shaft, General Casting Automotive Parts, Components and Spares.采購產(chǎn)品凸輪軸, 搖臂,搖臂軸, 一般鑄造汽車零件, 部件和零件.I'll show you where the spares are kept...
  • despaired例句

    Most scientists despaired of ever knowing the physical nature of the stars.大多數(shù)科學對了解恒星的物理性質(zhì)失去了信心.She stood at the corner of Main Street and Washington Avenue and despaired.她站立在大街和華盛頓路交叉的街角上,大失所望.The doctor knew that the w...
  • dispatcher造句

    He is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company.他是電車公司的調(diào)度.The chief dispatcher was issuing fast, low - key instructions.總調(diào)度員正發(fā)出迅速, 低調(diào)的指示.This dispatcher assured the gentleman that it was on the way.出租車調(diào)度員向他保證車正在路上....
  • aspartame怎么讀

  • midspan的音標

  • transparently的音標

  • spaceship的復數(shù)形式怎么拼寫?

  • spasm造句

    If breathing is not restored,the patient may go into spasm.如果不能恢復呼吸,這個病人就會發(fā)生抽搐。A muscular spasm in the coronary artery can cause a heart attack...冠狀動脈的肌肉痙攣可能導致心臟病。A lack of magnesium causes muscles to go into spasm.缺鎂會導致...
  • disparities例句

    This is best illustrated by the disparities in labor productivity.在勞動生產(chǎn)率方面的懸殊差別充分地說明了這種情況.Within the farm community itself there are severe income disparities.農(nóng)業(yè)界內(nèi)部,收入的差別懸殊.Those aggregate statistics, however, concealed ...
  • calcsparite的音標

  • despairingly怎么讀
