The hydrocarbon content of this phosphate ore provides most of the heat needed for the calcination.這磷礦所含烴量能提供鍛燒所需的大部分熱量.ITQ - 27 is stable to calcination in air , absorbs hydrocarbons , and is catalytically active for hy...
Farmers traditionally used long - term rotations of hay, pasture, and corn.農民以往 長期 實行干草 、 牧草和玉米輪作.The crankshaft makes three rotations for each rotation of the rotor.轉子每轉一周,曲軸轉3周.Image graphs are rather robust to small i...
A contribution may amount to full indemnification.償還額可以是全額補償.Party A has the right to demand indemnification if the deposit is not sufficient.如押金不足以抵扣,則甲方有權繼續(xù)向乙方追償.The Document Law of P . R . C offer the secundum and the...
Gandhi was an inspirational figure...甘地是富有感召力的人物。Gandhi was an inspirational figure.甘地是富有感召力的人物。Celebrates the life of the late conservationist and inspirational writer Roger Deakin.慶祝生命的末期保育和帶有靈感的作家.I dedicate the book ...
Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation.機器零部件也在未經批準的情況下出入邊境。Are processes suitable to prevent design changes without appropriate checks and authorisation?程序中是否可以有效阻止未經檢查和授權的設計變更?Ens...
The regime was the very incarnation of evil...該政權正是罪惡的化身。She is a perfect incarnation of glamour.她是魅力的完美化身。His industry and persistence suggest that he was an ant in a previous incarnation.他的勤奮與堅持表明他前世是只螞蟻。The miser was ...
The process includes hydroxylation, self packing of APTES and terephthalic aldehyde packing.其置備方法主要包括羥基化 、 APTES的自組裝和對苯二甲醛的組裝三步.Aromatic cytokinins metabolism is classified under four broad headings : interconversion, hy...
Product triphen in GLP is light hydrocarbon aromatization technique in A petrochemical field.液化氣芳構化生產三苯工藝,屬于石化領域輕烴芳構化技術.The coking and deactivation of virgin naphtha aromatization catalyst are studied on isothermal react...
Testing results show this LPG engine has fully reached EURO emission regulation.從試驗結果來看,該LPG發(fā)動機完全達到歐排放法規(guī)的要求.Uniformity and predictability are also important in many areas of economic regulation.在許多經濟調控領域,一致性和預見性也是非常重要的.S...
I offered him my commiseration.我對他表示同情。Self - commiseration brewed in her heart.她在心里開始自嘆命苦.It was easier to endure his insolence than his commiseration.他的憐憫比污辱更難于接受....
...putting on my nationalistic hat.扮演我的民族主義角色Leaders will have to learn how to overcome nationalistic considerations in the conduct of campaigns.各統(tǒng)帥,應知道如何指導戰(zhàn)爭并克服各國的自私觀念.This is a movement which was romantic, irrational a...
Never use transitory dialogs as error messages or confirmations.絕不要用臨時對話框作為錯誤信息框或確認信息框.Dismissing confirmations thus becomes as routine as issuing them.因此關閉確認對話框和發(fā)起確認對話框一樣成為例行公事.Confirmations always come from the program...
In Chapter 3, I shall describe some of the documentation that I gathered.在第三章,我會介紹我收集到的一些文獻記錄。Britain's trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports.英國的貿易數(shù)據現(xiàn)在不能再從各港口的進出口單證中提...
The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured, prefiguring the reunification of Germany.柏林墻終于倒塌了,預示著德國的重新統(tǒng)一。More important, they are able to accept the eventuality of reunification.最重要的是, 他們都能接受將來兩岸終究要統(tǒng)一的現(xiàn)實.Strongly Oppos...
Other people burned myrrh as an incense during cremations.其他人在火葬的時候燃燒沒藥作為熏香之用.The Romans burned frankincense on their altars and at cremations.羅馬人在祭壇和火葬上燃燒乳香.The owners of Salem Funerals & Cremations, based in Winston - ...
If infringe their contraindication, can cause local intense dissatisfaction and object.假如違犯了他們的禁忌, 會引起當?shù)厝藦娏业牟粷M與反對.Osteoporosis is often cited as a contraindication for pedicle screw fixation.骨質疏松一直被列為椎弓根螺釘固定的禁忌癥.Howeer, ...
We will attempt to avoid duplication by appropriate cross references.將用適當?shù)那昂髮φ盏姆椒▉肀苊庵貜?Conclusions Trajectory , Voiding cystourethrography, especially retrograde urethrography, are effective means for diagnose urethral d...
n.探險旅行( exploration的名詞復數(shù) ),搜尋,考察,勘探...
Oligodendrocyte damage and subsequent axonal demyelination is a hallmark of this disease.少突膠質細胞損害,繼而軸突脫髓鞘為本病特征.Conclusion EAE is characterised by perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration and demyelination in white mat...
Organic silicate is prepared by Quaternizing, Hydrosilylation addition and Balanced or Polycondensation reaction.有機硅季銨鹽是通過季銨化, 硅氫化加成和平衡或縮聚等反應制得.A silicone - polyether copolymer was synthesized by the hydrosilylation of s...
Mary Ann's exhilaration gave way to gnawing fear.瑪麗·安從欣喜若狂變得憂懼不安。Her mood could swing rapidly from gloom to exhilaration.她的情緒可能在轉瞬之間從陰郁轉向興奮.There was a sense of exhilaration about being alone on the beach.獨自在海灘上令人心曠...
Natural gas liquification involves both mixed - refrigerant cycle and nitrogen expander cycle.近幾年國內天然氣液化技術主要采用混合工質液化循環(huán)和氮膨脹液化循環(huán).The Catalyst that is suitable for Shenhua coal liquification was found out through experiment...