
阿卡英語 / 查找:patch” [共找到65條結果]
  • patching例句

    My bicycle had a puncture and needed patching up.我的自行車胎扎了個洞,需要修補.She succeeded in patching the broken vase together.她成功地把打破的花瓶拼湊好了.He has succeeded in patching up the car.他把汽車修好了....
  • patch up怎么讀?

    patch up的音標:patch up的英式發(fā)音音標為:[p?t? ?p]patch up的美式發(fā)音音標為:[p?t? ?p]...
  • patches的意思

    n.小塊( patch的名詞復數 ),斑,補丁,小塊土地v.補( patch的第三人稱單數 ),修理,調停,解決...
  • patching的意思?

    n.(爐襯,泥芯,砂型)修補,(路面)補坑,搪襯v.補( patch的現(xiàn)在分詞 ),修理,調停,解決...
  • dispatched例句

    Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 28 days for delivery.贈品會分開發(fā)送,所以請預留28天的送貨期。Troops have been dispatched to the area.部隊已派往那個地區(qū)。They dispatched a telegram to the old man's son.他們給老人的兒子發(fā)了一份電報....
  • despatch怎么讀?

  • patchwork怎么讀?

  • isopatchoulane怎么讀

  • patch up例句

    We can patch up those holes.我們可以修補這些破洞。They have tried to patch up their differences.他們已經設法彌合了他們的分歧.All of a sudden she seemed to want to make peace and patch up our quarrel.突然她似乎想要和好,結束我們之間的爭吵。...
  • dispatch怎么讀?

  • patch的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    patch的近義詞/同義詞有:mend, fix, service, repair, mottle, service, fix, plan, repair, mend。vt.patch的近義詞(修補;修理):mend, fix, service, repair。patch的近義詞(其他釋義):mottle, service, fix, plan, repair, mend。...
  • dispatch的近義詞/同義詞有哪些

    dispatch的近義詞/同義詞有:send, forward, discharge, transmit, hasten, rush, hurry, speed, delivery, fulfil, transact, haste, express, ship, celerity, compass, favor, hurry, discharge, expedite, hasten, letter, telegram, transmit...
  • dispatch的第三人稱單數怎么拼寫?

  • patched怎么讀

  • bipatch怎么讀?

  • patch的復數形式怎么寫?

  • dispatcher造句

    He is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company.他是電車公司的調度.The chief dispatcher was issuing fast, low - key instructions.總調度員正發(fā)出迅速, 低調的指示.This dispatcher assured the gentleman that it was on the way.出租車調度員向他保證車正在路上....
  • despatch造句

    He feels we should act with despatch.他覺得我們應該迅速行動。The despatch of the task force is purely a contingency measure.派出特遣部隊純粹是應急之舉。...the despatch of police and troop reinforcements.派遣警察和軍隊支援Appropriate methods for authorisin...
  • dispatched的意思

    v.(常指為了特殊原因或執(zhí)行特殊任務而迅速地)派遣( dispatch的過去式和過去分詞 ),殺死,(迅速地)發(fā)出,迅速處理...
  • patchwork造句

    ...an old patchwork quilt.一床舊的百衲被She patched new cloth to the old coat, so It'seemed mere patchwork.她把新布初到那件舊上衣上, 所以那件衣服看上去就象拼湊起來的東西.A patchwork quilt is a good way of using up scraps of material.做雜拼花布棉被是利用零碎布料的好辦法。...
  • bipatch的意思

  • patches造句

    Beyond the field fields are pleasant patches of woodlands.田野外是一塊塊賞心悅目的森林地.Melasma is a skin condition characterized by dark patches or blotches on the face.黃褐斑簡介黃褐斑是一種皮膚狀況,其特征是面部黑點或斑點.The stirrup leathers rubbed raw patc...
  • dispatches怎么讀?

  • dispatch的一般過去時怎么寫?

  • patching的音標?

  • dispatch的現(xiàn)在完成時怎么寫

  • patched什么意思解釋?

    v.補( patch的過去式和過去分詞 ),修理,調停,解決...
  • dispatching的音標?

  • patch造句

    Yes, The briar patch is our fear and our greed.是的, 所謂的荊棘就是我們的恐懼和貪婪.Patch testing showed that the patient was sensitive to ammoniated mercury , mercury, mercuric chloride and mercurochrome.實驗室及輔助檢查:斑貼試驗示白降汞、金屬汞 、 氯化汞、紅汞呈陽...
  • patched造句

    He hoisted his patched sails and set his course toward the southwest.他扯起有補丁的船帆開始向西南方向駛去.He and Walker patched the barn roof.他和沃克補好了谷倉頂。She has patched up the dress.她補好了衣服。...the medical staff who patched her up after the...