
阿卡英語 / 查找:imperia” [共找到34條結果]
  • imperialist造句

    The Chinese people have been freed from imperialist oppression.中國人民已經(jīng)從帝國主義的壓迫下解放出來了.All the forces of the anti - imperialist camp are uniting and forging ahead.反 帝國主義陣營的一切力量,正在團結起來,并正在向前發(fā)展.The famous anti-feudal and anti...
  • imperialism造句

    Might is right -- that is the logic of imperialism.強權即公理 -- 這是帝國主義的邏輯....the notion of 'cultural imperialism' implies a hierarchy of cultures, some of which are stronger than others.“文化擴張主義”意味著一種文化等級體系的存在,其中有些文...
  • imperialism的近義詞/同義詞

    imperialism的近義詞/同義詞有:monarchism, expansionism, royalism, colonialism, neocolonialism, kingship, sovereignty, empery, queenship, empire, royalty, emperorship, majesty, queenhood, kinghood, domination。n.imperialism的近義詞(獨裁,...
  • imperials怎么讀?
