
阿卡英語 / 查找:flection” [共找到36條結(jié)果]
  • inflectional造句

    English has lost most word - ending inflectional changes, including grammatical gender of nouns.英語在其發(fā)展過程中失去了大多數(shù)詞尾的屈折變化, 包括名詞語法上的性概念范疇.Foot is inflectional and unbalanced patient, 7 routine are simple!趾屈曲畸形患者, 7例行單純!Infle...
  • reflections造句

    It was not long ere a call came from the house and recalled me from my reflections...不久,家里打來了電話,把我從沉思中喚醒。Her eyebrows had the aspect of hills in spring , and her eyes -- reflections of an autumn stream.眉似青山, 眼如秋水A one - ...
  • antireflection怎么讀

  • reflection造句

    I couldn't bear to see my reflection in the mirror...我不忍看鏡子里自己的樣子。The reflection of the sun on the glass wall was blinding.玻璃墻上反射的太陽光令人目眩。Spell reflection effects have greatly improved visuals and functionality.強(qiáng)度的改...
  • reflection的復(fù)數(shù)形式怎么寫?

  • inflectional的意思
