Halley's Comet is going to come back in 2061.哈雷彗星將于2061年回歸。The value of the Halley family's stake has fallen by half since 1999.從1999年以來,Halley家族的股份縮水了一半.Earth crosses the orbit of Halley's Comet annually ...
Everyone wanted to bowl, hence everyone wanted to open a bowling alley.大家都想玩保齡球,因此大家都想開保齡球館。We live in the same alley.我們住在同一條小巷里。Each front door looks across a narrow alley to the front door opposite.家家大門對大門,中間隔著一條窄巷。Dal...
He wandered through the labyrinth of the alleyways.他在迷宮似的小巷中閑逛.Alleyways wind through the city like a maze, opening up into surprising, sunny fountained piazzas.小巷子像迷宮一般蜿蜒穿過這座城市, 出現在令人驚訝 、 絢爛的噴泉廣場上.How are people to navi...
From the alleyway outside came the " tock - tock ! " of a dumpling - pedlar striking his bamboo tube.衖 堂里餛飩擔的竹筒托托地響了幾下.With that she flew downstairs and out of the house to the alleyway.于是瑪金就像一陣風似的跑下了樓,跑出了這屋子,跑出了那衖堂.Ligh...