“恐龍”的英語可以翻譯為:[古生] (古代爬行動物,繁盛于中生代) dinosaur,[電影]Dinosau...
“螯龍蝦”的英語可以翻譯為:homarus ...
關(guān)于那些十分引人注意的史前動物――恐龍――的情況,我們知道得不算少.We know a great deal about those fascinating prehistoric animals, the dinosaurs.鑒于恐龍的食量是如此之大,貝克的結(jié)論認(rèn)為恐龍是熱血動物.Baker concluded the dinosaurs were warm - blooded because they ate so much.博物館...
“魚甲龍”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]ichthyostega ...
“錢龍”的英語可以翻譯為:millepede ...
“龍膽科”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] Gentianaceae ...
請開大龍頭以增加水流量.Turn the cock to increase the flow of water.請開大“龍頭”以增加水流量.Turn the cock to increase the flow water....
龍眼補腦汁, 這一種飲料, 就是: 蓋世無雙的飲料.The longan repairs the brains, this type of beverage, be: Peerless beverage.荔枝蒂蛀蟲是荔枝和龍眼的重要害蟲.Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley is a main pest insect on litchi and longan.龍眼葡萄別名: 秋紫 、 老虎眼 、 紫葡萄 、 獅子眼...
每次龍骨觸地的時候你都能感受到船體所受的壓力。You sense the stresses in the hull each time the keel meets the ground.這船的龍骨是鋼制的.The keel of the boat was made of steel.船殼由龍骨向外彎曲至甲板處.The sides of a ship flare from the keel to the deck....
“小龍蝦”的拼音為:xiǎo lóng xiā...
“龍膽苷”的英語可以翻譯為:gentiin ...
食譜里需要四湯勺龍蝦卵, 最好是生的.For the recipe you need 4 tablespoons of coral, preferably uncooked.未受精的龍蝦卵; 烹飪時變紅;用作裝飾或給醬油加色.The unfertilized eggs of a female lobster, which turn a reddish color when cooked....
“氟培龍”的英語可以翻譯為:fluperolone ...
“陸龍卷”的拼音為:lù lóng juǎn...
“龍牙草”的英語可以翻譯為:[植] hairyvein agrimony,feverfew,agrimony ...
“黑龍江”的拼音為:hēi lóng jiāng...
“龍涎香”的英語可以翻譯為:ambergris (抹香鯨腸道分泌物, 做香料) ...
他的公寓是俄國最著名的文學(xué)沙龍會所。His apartment was the most famous literary salon in Russia.格洛麗亞經(jīng)營著一家發(fā)藝沙龍。Gloria runs a hairdressing salon.拖輪沙龍和小餐館是必去之處。The Tugboat Saloon and Eatery is a must-visit....
“布龍?zhí)钡挠⒄Z可以翻譯為:[地名] [意大利] Bronte ...
“孕克龍”的英語可以翻譯為:gestaclone ...
“龍頭”的拼音為:lóng tóu...
“龍骨船”的英語可以翻譯為:keel ...
“龍須菜”的英語可以翻譯為:[方] [植] (石刁柏) asparagus ...
“龍卷”的拼音為:lóng juǎn...
我看見露西成了個龍鐘老婦, 在我的祭日為我哭泣.I see her, an old woman, weeping for me on the anniversary of this day....
“天龍”的英語可以翻譯為:TONY ...
大蒜小龍蝦里邊應(yīng)該會放大蒜的 吧 ?You think the garlic shrimp has garlic in it?這年,小龍蝦的數(shù)量減少了.This year the numbers of small lobsters are dropping.小龍蝦和蝦或龍蝦一樣, 在科學(xué)上屬于甲殼綱動物.Crawfish, like shrimp or lobsters, belong to the scientific Crustac...
“魚龍”的拼音為:yú lóng...