橘黃色和卡其色能襯托那些金黃色皮膚的人。Orange and khaki flatter those with golden skin tones.很多中國的成人給他們的孩子穿鮮艷的橘黃色 、 紅色和粉色的衣服.Many Chinese adults dress their children in brilliant orange, red and pink.橘黃色的旗在藍天的映襯下顯得分外鮮艷.Orange flags stand o...
那個淡赤黃色頭發(fā),穿著西裝, 騎車去上班的人是誰?Who is that ginger - haired man suit, riding a bike to work?這兩個孩子長得相似,他們都有淡赤黃色頭發(fā)和圓圓的臉蛋.The boys resemble in that they both have ginger hair and round faces....
“黃色素”的拼音為:huáng sè sù...
“鮮黃色”的英語可以翻譯為:foresythia,goldenrod ...
“米黃色”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]ecru ...
“黃色素”的英語可以翻譯為:uranidin ...
橘黃色和卡其色能襯托那些金黃色皮膚的人。Orange and khaki flatter those with golden skin tones.起居室被透過窗簾照進來的陽光染上了一絲金黃色。The living room was tinged yellow by light filtered through the curtains.在預熱過的烤箱里烤25分鐘,或烤成金黃色。Bake in the preheated oven fo...
“深黃色”的英語可以翻譯為:deep yellow,buff...