“空白頁”的英語可以翻譯為:lank page...
“插頁”的英語可以翻譯為:inset,insert,foldout,interleaf ...
“一頁”的拼音為:yī yè...
“分頁”的拼音為:fēn yè...
“角頁巖”的英語可以翻譯為:hornfels,hornberg ...
“插頁”的拼音為:chā yè...
大部分星期日的報紙上有連環(huán)畫頁.Most Sunday papers have comics....
“銅頁巖”的英語可以翻譯為:kupferschiefer ...
“附頁”的英語可以翻譯為:follower,oddments,attached sheet ...
他先快速地瀏覽頁面,然后再細細閱讀。He skimmed the pages quickly, then read them again more carefully.頁面模式可以顯示頁眉、頁腳、腳注和頁碼。Page Mode shows headers, footers, footnotes and page numbers.頁面按順序標了頁碼。The pages are numbered sequentially....
她坐著瀏覽發(fā)黃的書頁。She sat scanning the yellowing pages.別折書頁的角來標明你讀到的地方.Don't turn back the corners of the pages to mark your place.別折那些書頁的角, 會弄壞的.Don't bend the corners of the pages down, it damages them....
“調(diào)頁”的英語可以翻譯為:paging ...
“配頁”的拼音為:pèi yè...
“分頁的”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] paged ...
預(yù)先配頁同樣對一些機器裝訂的活件不利.On the same page advance with some machines manageable size live piece.配頁辦法及道理配頁又分為配書帖和配書芯.With page method with the page divides with books or book distribution.做這樣工作的機器,稱為配頁機.A machine performing thi...
有一頁紙脫落下來,飄落到地磚上。A page came loose and floated onto the tiles.沿那一頁的中心畫一條豎線。Draw a line down that page's center.他慢慢地仔細閱讀每一頁。He read through the pages slowly and carefully....
“頁理”的英語可以翻譯為:lamellation ...
隨后,屋里除了翻書頁的聲沙沙之外,便悄無聲響了.And then the rooms were very still while the pages were softly turned.現(xiàn)在, 許多讀者接觸手提式設(shè)備來閱讀而不是翻書頁了.ThisThese days, instead of turning paper passagespages, many readers rich reach hand health diversen...
“角頁巖”的拼音為:jiǎo yè yán...
整整5頁講稿都是對她的政敵的詆毀。Five whole pages of script were devoted to rubbishing her political opponents.他隨手翻了幾頁,假裝興趣不大。He thumbed through a couple of pages, feigning just a slight interest.正確答案在第8頁末尾。The correct answers can be fo...
“頁片狀”的英語可以翻譯為:lamellar ...
卷頁: 在顯示器上, 移動整頁 ( 或螢?zāi)?) 資料的情況.Page scrolling: The movement, on a VDU, of an entire page ( or screen ) of data....
“畫頁”的英語可以翻譯為:page with illustrations (in a book or magazine),plate ...
請求頁式管理是一種常用的虛擬存儲管理技術(shù).Page request is a common management of virtual storage management techniques.若使用每次打印輸出一頁的頁式打印機我們還可以獲得更快的打印速度.Even greater speed can be obtained by using a page printer outa time.在實存儲器和外部頁式存儲器之間傳送指令 、...
“編頁碼”的拼音為:biān yè mǎ...
“標題頁”的英語可以翻譯為:frontispiece,[計] banner page ...
她在書的頁邊上作眉批,寫下自己的成功與失敗.She wrote notes in the margin and kept a record of her successes and failures....
“折頁”的英語可以翻譯為:[刷] fold,folding,foldout ...
“配頁”的英語可以翻譯為:[刷] gathering (leaves of a book),collate,gather ...