“陰險”的反義詞:善良, 耿直, 純厚, 爽直, 仁惠。...
“陰文”的拼音為:yīn wén...
“陰冷的”的英語可以翻譯為:leak,gloomy and cold,raw ...
“陰道疝”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] coleocela,colpocele,elytrocele,vaginal hernia ...
“陰險”的近義詞/同義詞:兇險, 兇惡, 惡毒, 陰惡, 陰毒, 刁滑, 奸險, 奸詐, 險詐, 刁猾, 奸滑, 狡猾, 奸巧, 巧詐, 嚚猾, 刁鉆。...
徹底拋開市中心而把所有東西都搬到梅多霍爾購物中心,這完全是一場陰謀的一部分.It's all part of a conspiracy to dispense with the town centre all together and move everything out to Meadowhall.公正的上天知道我的清白,我不會搞陰謀的.Though the just Heaven knows that I am inno...
“陰暗”的拼音為:yīn àn...
“陰影的”的英語可以翻譯為:[計] shaded ...
“陰郁的”的英語可以翻譯為:depressed,gloomy,glum ...
“陰溝”的英語可以翻譯為:covered drain,sewer,[解] vagina,cloaca,culvert ...
陰天的夜空既看不到牛郎星,也看不到北斗星.We can see neither Altair or Ursa Major in the cloudy night sky....
“陰間”的反義詞:陽間, 陽世。...
“陰道痛”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] colpalgia,colpodynia,perineal spasm,vaginodynia ...
沿著威尼斯陰濕的運河漂移.Drifting along the dank canals of Venice.整個城市籠罩在陰濕的雨里.The damp rain mantled the whole city.看見那冰冷陰濕的牢房, 還有老鼠在那里跑來跑去, 使她不寒而栗.The sight of the cold, damp prison cell, with rats running about, made her flesh cre...
頂漿分泌汗腺通常與毛囊相連, 主要集中于腋下和外陰部.Apocrine sweat glands, usually associated with hair follicles, are concentrated in the underarms and genital region....
“陰性”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)]negative,[語] feminine gender,feminine ...
“陰離子”的拼音為:yīn lí zǐ...
“陰森”的英語可以翻譯為:gloomy,gruesome,ghastly,frightful,eeriness ...
“陰唇”的拼音為:yīn chún...
“陰雕”的英語可以翻譯為:intaglio ...
他給人一種冷酷陰險的感覺。There was something cold and sinister about him.那個陰險的家伙幾乎見人便說我的壞話。That insidious man bad mouthed me to almost everyone else.能起這種作用的無非是和我作對的最最陰險的奸計.Nothing but the blackest art employed against me can have do...
“半陰莖”的英語可以翻譯為:hemipenis ...
黑暗陰森的房間a dark and cheerless room諸如斯特蘭奇韋斯監(jiān)獄之類建于100多年前的監(jiān)獄故意營造出一種陰森、不祥的氣氛。Prisons like Strangeways, built more than 100 years ago, were intended to look grim and foreboding places.在那蹙額皺眉的剎那間, 那可真是一種陰森的變臉.For the brief space...
那只狗陰郁地盯著我們看了幾分鐘。The dog gazed at us lugubriously for a few minutes.他面色陰郁地凝視前方,假裝沒聽見那些冷嘲熱諷。He stared sullenly into space, pretending not to hear the jeers.她就那樣陰郁地坐在那兒。She just sat there looking morose....
“外陰”的拼音為:wài yīn...
“陰險”的拼音為:yīn xiǎn...
公正的上天知道我的清白,我不會搞陰謀的.Though the just Heaven knows that I am innocent of any.“ 顯然是搞陰謀, ” 雅克三號說, “ 再清楚不過了. ”" Clearly plots,'said Jacques Three . " Transparently! "現(xiàn)在你可開始了解對我搞陰謀是白搭的 嗎 ?Now, do you begin to be aware tha...
“陰郁”的英語可以翻譯為:gloomy,dismal,depressed,dreariment ...