“掛鐘”的拼音為:guà zhōng...
“鐘擺”的拼音為:zhōng bǎi...
“鐘表”的英語可以翻譯為:clocks and watches,timepiece,horologe clock and watches,horologe,timekeeper ...
鐘面上的長短針指著五點十分.The clock hands pointed to ten minutes after five.那只鐘面是夜光的.The clock dial is illuminated at night.因為鐘面會發(fā)光所以你可以在黑暗中看見鐘.The dial is luminous so you can see the clock in dark....
這座鐘塔高在五十米以上.The clock tower stands over 50 metres.位于鐘塔旁的大教堂內部裝潢高雅.Beside the tower lies the cathedral with a glorious interior.有以百葉窗遮蔽的鐘塔和尖頂的教堂;裝了綠色百葉窗的小別墅.A small turret or spire on a roof or buttress....
鐘表的擺輪是角諧運動的常例.The balance wheel of a watch is a familiar example of angular harmonic motion.鐘表的指針指著十點.The hands of the clock pointed to ten.那個孩子還看不懂鐘表的走時.The child can not tell the time yet....
午飯一到一點鐘就上桌了。Promptly at one, luncheon was served.聽我說,我一點鐘收工。Listen, I finish at one.“快一點鐘了!”從幕后傳來一聲悲嘆。It's almost one o'clock!' lamented the off-stage voice....
“鐘表的”的英語可以翻譯為:horological ...
“掛鐘”的英語可以翻譯為:wall clock,wag-on-the-wall ...
我看見露西成了個龍鐘老婦, 在我的祭日為我哭泣.I see her, an old woman, weeping for me on the anniversary of this day....
“大鐘”的英語可以翻譯為:[穴位] Dazhong (Luo-Connecting Point, K 4),[電影]The Big Clock...
“裝鐘匠”的英語可以翻譯為:ellhanger ...
“鐘頭”的拼音為:zhōng tóu...
銀行家與鐘表匠已經在倫敦城共同存在好幾百年了。Bankers and clockmakers have coexisted in the City for hundreds of years.他目不轉睛地盯著鐘表。He kept his eyes glued to the clock.他也修鐘表。He also repairs clocks and watches....
教堂大鐘在午夜敲響。Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight.教堂的大鐘響起,聲音洪亮。The church clock chimed sonorously.大鐘的鐘聲迎來了新的一年.The chimes of the huge bell rang in the New Year....
“吊鐘花”的拼音為:diào zhōng huā...
“鐘形口”的英語可以翻譯為:ellmouth ...
“座鐘”的英語可以翻譯為:table clock,desk clock,timepiece ...
12點的鐘聲剛敲響,焰火便在夜空中綻放。On the stroke of 12, fireworks suddenly exploded into the night.然后我們聽見鐘聲響起。And then we heard the bells ringing out.遠處響起了一陣教堂的鐘聲。A peal of church bells rang out in the distance....
“祈禱鐘”的英語可以翻譯為:angelus ...
演奏排鐘(或鐘琴)To play a carillon....
“鐘表學”的英語可以翻譯為:horology ...
馬斯特斯用了約20個鐘頭才到達那所房子。It had taken Masters about twenty hours to reach the house.我們東游西逛,瞎扯了兩三個鐘頭。We'd been lounging around, chewing the fat for a couple of hours.把狗放開, 它已被拴了好幾個鐘頭了.Release the dog. He has been chained ...
他沒敲鐘.He did not ring the bell.為什么他們在出除夕夜敲鐘33次?Why do they ring the bell 33 times on New Year's eve?我叔叔每個星期天在當地教堂敲鐘.My uncle rings every Sunday at the local church....
“鐘繩”的英語可以翻譯為:tow,bellpull ...
“分鐘”的英語可以翻譯為:minute,min ...
敲鐘人鳴鐘送走舊歲,接著又鳴鐘迎來新年.The ringers rang out the old year before ringing in the new.他們家族中一代一代的都是敲鐘人.In his family, everybody used to be bell ringer!許多敲鐘人被閃電擊斃.Lots of bell ringers were killed by lightning....
“鐘愛”的拼音為:zhōng ài...