bootleg指非法運送、制造及出售貨物 ( 尤指酒 ).Goods ( especially alcohol ) are bootlegged when they aresmuggled or manufactured and sold illegally....
“酒精的”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] spirituous ...
因為是在節(jié)日期間, 他還端上了用馬奶發(fā)酵制成的馬奶酒.This being a festive occasion, he produced a weakly alcoholic liquid made from fermented mare's milk....
“上酒人”的英語可以翻譯為:cupbearer ...
“酒頭”的拼音為:jiǔ tóu...
我又往酒杯里倒了點兒波旁威士忌。I poured a little more bourbon into my glass.伊莎貝爾把酒杯放在桌上他伸手可及的地方。Isabelle placed a wine cup on the table within his reach.一些最高檔的酒杯是用鉛晶質(zhì)玻璃制成的。Some of the finest drinking glasses are made from lead crystal....
她只在杜松子酒里加了少許苦艾酒。She added only a hint of vermouth to the gin.彼得嘗了嘗起泡的瑞士苦艾酒.Peter sampled the fluffy absintle Suissesse.我要了杜松子酒和苦艾酒.I ordered gin and vermouth....
她一笑就現(xiàn)出酒窩。She had a dimple which appeared when she smiled.我看見她的臉上起了一道薄薄的紅云,接著又露出很溫和的微笑, 兩頰上微微現(xiàn)出兩個酒窩.She smiled proudly, and two dimples appeared in her cheeks.貝絲大聲說話,微笑的臉上現(xiàn)出了酒窩。Bess spoke up, smiling so that her dimples s...
不要過沉迷于酒色的生活.Don't lead a dissipated life.如果能不近酒色,他將成為一名出色的運動員。He's going to be a fantastic player if he keeps away from booze and women.他過的是酒色的生活.He led a voluptuous life....
“酒徒”的拼音為:jiǔ tú...
以二乙胺 、 二硫化碳、雙氧水為原料,在硫酸的中和作用下合成戒酒硫, 研究了各反應(yīng)條件的影響.Disculfiram was synthesized from diethyl amine, carbon disulfide and peroxide, and the reaction condition was studied....
“飲酒”的拼音為:yǐn jiǔ...
給我一杯兩倍的直接壓火酒.Steve : Make mine a double scotch, straight up.綢繆的工具: 不滿不朱盒 、 注射器 、 無火酒不粗 、 不斷不求 ( 最壞是兼用的 ).Preparation: empty cartridge , syringes, anhydrous alcohol, even for the exclusive use of ( preferably )....
用她調(diào)酒的杯,加倍地調(diào)給她喝.Dans la coupe o ù elle a vers é, versez - lui au double.佛蘭妮: 那個調(diào)酒的保羅? 當(dāng)然, 我認(rèn)識那個保羅.Frannie: Paul the Wine Guy ? Oh yeah, I know Paul.在工作中協(xié)助酒吧主管 和 高級調(diào)酒師.Assist Bar Supervisor & Senior Bartenders during worki...
“酒窖”的英語可以翻譯為:wine cellar,cellar,bodega,vintry ...
“美酒”的拼音為:měi jiǔ...
“酒店”的拼音為:jiǔ diàn...
“酒會”的英語可以翻譯為:cocktail party,wine party,reception,bender ...
“荷蘭酒”的英語可以翻譯為:[醫(yī)] gin ...
禁酒聯(lián)合會要關(guān)閉鎮(zhèn)上所有的酒吧.The temperance league wanted to close all the saloons in town.這個城市的 禁酒 運動又活躍起來了.The temperance [ dry ; anti - alcohol ] movement revived in the city.“你要嚴(yán)格控制飲食:禁酒,少吃葷?!薄斑@個自然。”"You will strictly observe y...
“酗酒的”的英語可以翻譯為:sottish,[醫(yī)] crapulent ...
請給我們一杯威士忌蘇打和一杯金酒湯力.Please bring us a whisky soda and a gin with tonic water.喝了酒,湯姆就滔滔不絕地談開了.Wine loosed Tom's tongue.好, 請給我們一杯威士忌蘇打和一杯金酒湯力克.Well, please bring us a whisky soda and a gin with tonic water....
我原以為他是個酒鬼。I thought he was a bit of a boozer.他并非貨真價實的酒鬼。He's not a real alcoholic.謝遼日卡是個懶漢, 酒鬼.Seryozhka is a sluggard, a drunkard....
“嗜酒者”的英語可以翻譯為:drunkard ...
“奠酒”的拼音為:diàn jiǔ...
刻有他姓名首字母的玻璃大酒杯a glass tankard with his initials etched on it侍者用大酒杯盛著啤酒給我端了過來.The waiter brought me the ale in a black jack.把五打大酒杯裝進(jìn)我的箱子里.Pack my Box with five dozen liquor jugs....
“小酒館”的英語可以翻譯為:oite,bistro ...
他過去常喝啤酒; 現(xiàn)在他喝白酒.He often drinks beer in past; he drinks white spirit now.你這里有澀白酒 嗎 ?Do you have a dry white wine?哈里, 你想喝些什么, 葡萄酒 、 啤酒或中國白酒.Harry, what do you want to drink, wine, beer or Chinese liquor?...
到頭來,你渾身上下全是蛋奶酒!You end up with eggnog all over your costume!馬丁: 如果跟去年一樣的話,我不來了. 你是否依然炮制你的拿手蛋奶酒?Marty: Not if it's the same as last year's. Are you still making your famous eggnog?...