“預訂”的拼音為:yù dìng...
他敘述了他了解到的新修訂的法律條例.He related what he had learnt of the new legal remedy.這一立法修訂的啟動取決于議會的通過.Commencement of the legislation is subject to passage through the Parliament.現(xiàn)將這部經(jīng)過修訂的作品奉獻給讀者.The work is now presented to the rea...
“裝訂”的拼音為:zhuāng dìng...
他們可以在線下訂單。They can order their requirements on line.如果價格合理,我們會考慮下訂單.We are thinking of placing an order if the price is reasonable.好極了, 我立刻就下訂單給你.Good, I'll get an order to you right away....
“校訂”的拼音為:jiào dìng...
“改訂”的拼音為:gǎi dìng...
已簽名的買主同意支付5,000英鎊的訂金。The undersigned buyers agree to pay a 5,000 pound deposit.可退還訂金到店即可退還。A refundable deposit is payable on arrival.我們已支付了房款的5%作為訂金。We've put down a 5% deposit on the house....
正式簽訂了每年可續(xù)簽的合同。A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.她靠與露華濃簽訂的一筆1,000萬美元的合同發(fā)了大財。She's coining it in with a $10 million contract with Revlon.在簽訂任何協(xié)定之前一定要先征求法律專業(yè)人士的意見。Always seek professional legal ad...
“訂”的英語可以翻譯為:conclude,draw up,subscribe to ,book,back-order ...
他們的完整目錄售價5美元,第一次訂購時可返還這5美元。Their full catalogue costs $5, redeemable against a first order.國王迷上了訂購化裝用品和面具。The King took a fancy to ordering disguises and masks.這個公司擁有自己的貨車車隊,大多數(shù)訂購貨品可以隔日送到。With its own fleet of trucks, th...
她選擇瑪吉為她拍訂婚照的時候化妝。She chose Maggie to make her up for her engagement photographs.我覺得我們訂婚期間非常不愉快。I felt our engagement was quite an unhappy time.在我18歲生日那天我們訂婚了。We got engaged on my eighteenth birthday....
“改訂”的英語可以翻譯為:eformulate,rewrite,re-edit,rectification,revises ...
這枚戒指是為她訂做的。The ring was specially made for her.多比思慮體貼而且為哈利量身訂做的禮物,與哈利和羅恩在最后一秒才抓出來的東西是最好的對比.Contrast Dobby's thoughtful, personalised gift with Harry and Ron's last - second thought.你當穿戴上帝為你量身訂做的全副軍裝.You should ...
“訂閱”的拼音為:dìng yuè...
“制訂”的英語可以翻譯為:work [map] out,formulate,draw up,evolve,draw ...
“修訂本”的英語可以翻譯為:evision,[經(jīng)] as amended,recension ...
戈德林訂了他能訂到的最早一班船的鋪位。Goldring booked a berth on the first boat he could.今天上網(wǎng)就可以退訂。Go to the website today and you can unsubscribe online.團體訂座可享受折扣價。Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates....
我知道這篇草稿需要校訂。I know that this draft text will need to be edited.對文本認真仔細的校訂a thoroughgoing revision of the text由誰校訂未決.It is not yet decided who will edit it....
象那本那么大的書是不是裝訂的.A book as big as that is not a manageable size.他們的業(yè)務(wù)來自于幾個大出版商,這些出版商的書都是他們裝訂的。Their business came from a few big publishers, all of whose books they bound.那本書是用藍色的皮革裝訂的.The book was bound in blue leather....
“修訂”的拼音為:xiū dìng...
我訂閱《鐵路雜志》已有很多年了。I have been a subscriber to Railway Magazine for many years.報紙價格的上漲將導致更多的讀者不再訂閱。The paper'sprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.在訂閱《紀事報》以前,我看的是《衛(wèi)報》。Before the Chronicle...
“訂婚”的拼音為:dìng hūn...
“簽訂”的英語可以翻譯為:conclude and sign ...
“訂錢”的拼音為:dìng qian...
“裝訂工”的英語可以翻譯為:inder ...
“修訂者”的英語可以翻譯為:expurgator,Revisor,redactor ...
“裝訂商”的英語可以翻譯為:ookbinder,bookbindery ...
這些雜志的訂閱費可以在郵局繳納.Subscriptions to these magazines can be paid in at the post office.我們按年度繳納5英鎊的訂閱費.We paid a subscription of 5 pounds yearly.個人會員的訂閱費要便宜些.Subscriptions are cheaper for individual members....