煤火燒得正旺,上面的鐵茶壺嘶嘶地響個(gè)不停。The iron teakettle was hissing splendidly over live coals.茶壺從她手中掉了下來.The teapot dropped out of her hand.她把茶壺又添滿了開水.She refilled the teapot with boiling water....
“茶隼”的英語可以翻譯為:windhover ...
她一下子轉(zhuǎn)身面向他,茶水濺了出來都沒注意到。She swung around to him, spilling her tea without noticing it.女性成員輪流準(zhǔn)備茶水。The tea is prepared on a rota basis by the lady members.四五個(gè)男人在喝保溫瓶里的茶水。Four or five men were drinking tea from flasks....
“茶樹”的拼音為:chá shù...
紅茶和龍井茶在我們那很好賣.Black Tea and Longjin Tea are salable in our market.我要加奶紅茶、煮雞蛋、月牙面包、香蕉松餅各一份。I would like to take a cup of tea and milk, poached eggs, and one croissant and banana muffi.祁門以盛產(chǎn)紅茶聞名.Qimen is well known for its...
茶藨子果含豐富的維生素C,還有鈣 、 磷和鐵.Currants are extremely high in vitamin C and also supply calcium, phosphorus, and iron....
控制您每日攝取含有咖啡因(茶精)的飲料,午飯后要完全避免他們.Limit your daily intake of caffeinated beverages and avoid them completely after lunchtime....
“兒茶”的拼音為:ér chá...
“茶話會(huì)”的英語可以翻譯為:tea party,tea reception,tea forum ...
山坡上植了茶樹.The slopes of the hills were planted with tea bushes.這是一座茶樹種植園.This is a tea estate.中國(guó)南方生長(zhǎng)著一棵已有1,700年歷史的茶樹,高100多英尺,而且還在不斷長(zhǎng)高。There is a 1,700-year-old tea tree still living in southern China which is more than 100...
“茶托”的英語可以翻譯為:saucer ...
“兒茶酚”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] catechol ...
“紅茶”的拼音為:hóng chá...
還有潮汕工夫茶更是響有盛名.Still have tide Shan congou is more sound have great reputation.潮汕工夫茶也是潮汕地區(qū)特色之一.Shan Cong Fu Cha is also Shan of area characteristic.而且還有最具潮汕特色的工夫茶.Still have the tide Shan the congou of characteristic....
“茶精”的英語可以翻譯為:caffein,caffeine ...
結(jié)果表明茶黃素類含量與紅碎茶品質(zhì)呈正相關(guān).The results showed that theaflavins are positively correlated with black tea quality.適用于碎茶 、 藥茶 、 咖啡等類似產(chǎn)品的自動(dòng)包裝.It is suitable for automatically. Packaging of steeping products fragmental tea, medicin...
“茶水”的拼音為:chá shuǐ...
“氨茶堿”的英語可以翻譯為:[化] aminophylline ...
“茶碟”的英語可以翻譯為:saucer ...
兒茶酸還可能預(yù)防致癌物質(zhì)引起的DNA損傷.Cate - chins may also prevent DNA damage caused by carcinogens.建立了大鼠血漿中原兒茶酸含量測(cè)定的 高效液相色譜 方法.A method was developed for the quantitative determination of protocatechuic acid in rat plasma chromatograph...
“茶葉罐”的英語可以翻譯為:caddy ...
壁爐中燃燒著木柴的茶室的古樸氣氛the olde worlde atmosphere of the tea room with its log fire走進(jìn)福特南和梅森商店暖融融的茶室.Come into the warmth of the Fortnum and Mason tearoom.茶室: 品味中國(guó)古典茗茶之雅趣.Tea House: Enjoy the delicate taste of a variety of tea....
“茶漬目”的英語可以翻譯為:Lecanorales ...
“熙春茶”的英語可以翻譯為:hyson,young hyson ...
兒茶酚還可能預(yù)防致癌物質(zhì)引起DNA損傷.Catechins may also prevent DNA damage caused by carcinogens.但是模具溫度對(duì)于產(chǎn)品之總多元酚含量與總兒茶酚含量并不具有顯著之影響.The extrudate's total polyphenol content and total catechin content were independent of the die tempe...
給他續(xù)茶的時(shí)候,她不小心濺了一些在茶碟上。Refilling his cup, she slopped some tea into the saucer.她放下杯子時(shí)在茶碟上咣當(dāng)碰了一下。She set her cup down, and it clattered against the saucer.酒吧服務(wù)生麻利地把茶杯放在了茶碟上。The barman slapped the cup on to the waiting sauce...
“蒼兒茶”的英語可以翻譯為:pale catechu,gambir ...
我們舉辦茶話會(huì)招待他們.They were entertained at a tea party.她和珊波爾先生曾經(jīng)參加過教會(huì)的茶話會(huì)和交誼會(huì).There had been church teas and sociable which she and Mr. Semple attended.她會(huì)和他最親密的朋友們一起舉行讓人瞠目結(jié)舌的茶話會(huì).She would throw the most amazing tea parties for...
“茶類”的英語可以翻譯為:teas ...
“紅茶”的英語可以翻譯為:lack tea,bohea ...